Dec 02, 2009 10:07
...Because I'm insanely busy. Busy. And crazy. My favourite mixed and mangled metaphor of the last three weeks is: There is a house of cards. It is a house of cards of doom. The house of cards is falling on my head, and OH, btw, they're nuclear bomb cards and they explode.
I am not a happy Kina. Too much to do, not enough time to do it in, not enough time to procrastinate properly or get anything finished or study or eat or sleep...!
See you all on the other side. -.-
Speaking of procrastination: I watched New Moon. Online. Because I just couldn't help myself - I needed to know what all the fuss was about. I definitely regret it, because there is not enough brainbleach in the world to clean the terrible dialogue and wooden acting (not to mention the storyline, I mean, just stop. Please. For the love of cookies, please just stop!
Note: Taylor Lautner needs to stop talking, and just be shirtless. And cover his face, because I don't need that either. It's the only redeeming quality of the whole movie. I think I sprained something rolling my eyes throughout.
movie: twilight,