Mod post and polls and such.

Jul 04, 2010 11:30


I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. :)

I am just posting about gulf_aid_now again, it is soon the last call for biddings, so if you guys want to donate for charity make sure to check out the community and if you like to bid on graphics, is the main Graphics thread where you can find auctions by many talented people. And if you are interested in bidding for my stuff, I am offering a set of 20 icons and a texture set

Also, probably later today I am going to post some textures. :)

And before I totally forget, here is a little promotion too:

grande_disney / grande_disney / grande_disney

And lastly, but not the least I present you with another silly poll, because I kind of like polls, they are fun.

Poll Texture Survey

Have a lovely day.
With love,

!polls, !mod post

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