I always use photoshop. The dot effect is a bush that I downloaded. And the tan/faded look I learned how to do through a tutorial over at icon_tutorial.
I got the brush from oxoniensis. I'm guessing it was posted in a brush community, but a long time ago. If you know how to make icons from image packs I can make some files with the brushes, zip them up and email them to you. As long as you credit oxoniensis I would think that it would be ok to pass them along to you.
I'm not sure if I'm too tried right now and I'm just missing it... but I don't see your email address on your userinfo. I saw that you had said that you use photoshop, so I just uploaded an abr of the brush set to yousendit here.
I love them all, saving to memories for later :D
Beautiful work, really love them!
Thank you :)
Love your icons and will definately keep an eye out for future work
You should be able to see my email on my userpage :) and that should work!
Thank you and have a great day
I have downloaded the brush set, and I am sorry you didn't see my email address...I thought I had it showing as public...sorry!
Have a great day and thanks again
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