David Eddings died today. The second fantasy book I ever read after The Lord of the Rings was Pawn of Prophecy, book one of The Belgariad. I was 14, and we were moving from Virgina. We drove down, which was a 13 hour trip if I remember correctly. My parents took me and my sister to a bookstore to each pick out a book for the trip. I remember very vividly seeing Pawn of Prophecy on the shelf and being attracted to it. I have no idea what it was that drew me to that book, but I'm glad I chose it. Of course, I didn't know it was part of a series at the time, so I had to ask for the rest of the books for Christmas. Two of my mom's sisters bought them for me. I remember spending that winter with a large, comfy chair pulled up in front of the fireplace with my feet resting just below the mantel, reading each book. I think that's when I also fell in love with the smell of new paperbacks.
I heard that his wife had died two years ago, so I'm not surprised that he followed her so soon. They always seemed very close. He even gave her cowriting credit on his later books for her input, though I've always wondered how much cowriting was really involved.
I really don't think one can aspire much higher than being a writer who touches people's lives and makes them feel better when they're going through rough times.
RIP David Eddings