Jan 26, 2004 04:53
Indeed, and I have been on a friending binge. This week has been good to serial adders, fake LJ-ers and their fans. Not so good for those without a sense of humor, or a lick of sense period. Too bad for them. See me cry tears. Really.
I look at this whole thing as a combination of hazing and cleansing ritual. Those that are worthy are clearly on one side and the losers and idiots on another. Nothing has made that more clear than the events of the last few days of LJ.
That said, it's allowed me to find a lot more people of like mind, and humor. I really appreciate that. Frankly there's lots of these folks whose material is funny enough to actually pay for. I'm pissed that one of my regular friends is regularly suspended when this type of humor is exactly why some people spend significant time on LJ.