Went to see Russell Peters last night with
Riss (yes, my friends fit into a nice little jingle). Oh blimey was that a good time. Best $62.20 I can remember spending. The opening acts were quite good, too. One wasn't as good, but not the bomb we ran into at Yuk Yuk's previously. They did an excellent job getting us riled up, but to be honest, Russell Peters doesn't need it.
The best part was that he had all new material, aside from a brief encore where he retired the joke that made him famous (?). That man makes racism funny. That man puts Chris Rock to SHAME. Ever seen Chris Rock do an impression of an Indian man? What about a Chinese man? Korean? Japanese? Honkey white? In the same SHOW? I think not.
A notable experience: I've seen my share of public washrooms in my day. I've been all over the lower half of this province playing sports since I learned how to walk, so I've seen some gross shit. But, ok. Men? Why? Why in the good name of Harvey the Wonder Hamster do you have to pee on the fucking seat?
Ladies, this kind of thing unfortunately happens all the time. I don't know what it is about a stream of urine coming from an appendage that not only is maleable, but downright aimable, but for some reason, guys can't thread the needle and keep the piss off the seat. One wonders how the species manages to procreate, but I guess it's all a matter of motivation. Often public washrooms have a few sprinkles o' the golden on the seat, which requires a pipe-clogging wad of TP to remove (I don't care if urine's supposed to be sterile, I ain't touching it). But this. Ooohh boy. The queue was long to get in, and judging by what I saw once I got in there, I'd say that every guy before me had signed that seat as if it was snow. Piss. EVERYWHERE.
What in the fuck, guys? Dare I say that perhaps the most important rule of urination is the...Golden Rule? If you don't want to deal with a piss-covered seat, what makes you think anyone else would?
Anywhozzle, we got out of there rather late, about 12:30. I walked with Heather to Burrard Station, then headed back to Granville to catch a bus. It turns out that I guess busses don't run along Granville anymore or something? I don't really like standing around waiting for a bus with a bunch of drunkards, so I decided to start walking along Granville in the hopes that a bus would catch up eventually. Well, it didn't, and let me tell you, there are some pretty interesting characters on Granville at 1:00 in the morning.
I ended up walking the entire way home (about half an hour), almost forgetting that I've been suffering a cold of late. Laughter is the best medicine and all that.
Want to know what isn't good medicine? Five hours of fucking sleep. Jesus.