[Rinoa and Laguna scene for MMU]
Candyshots? A huge success. The students loved not having to write for the entire class, and instead launching candy out into a field by use of thongs.
What they didn't like so much, was being forced to write about it as homework. It was a personal experience assignment, to see if they could write their experiences in a journalistic style. They moaned and groaned, but that was okay, because it was a completion grade. They either did it and got an A or didn't and failed.
But classes were over for the day, for the cheery man, and he was striding along the campus sidewalk to get to the parking lot where his car was parked. Folders in one hand, laptop case slung over the opposing shoulder while that hand fiddled with his keys. It was funny, because during that walk, he kept stopping to see who was walking past him. It was amazing how so many students just looked familiar to him, although they'd never met him in their lives.
Rinoa was currently on her way back to her room from her photgraphy class. It'd been pretty uneventuful, just a day of wandering campus to take images for their next project (stilllife), and Rinoa hadn't even bothered to put her camera away when she returned to class, and so it was hanging around her neck, bag slung over her shoulder. She still had a couple frames left, and she was actually keeping an eye out for something else to shoot.
She'd spent one of her days off, after the whole ordeal with Dante who wasn't Dante but he -was- Dante, looking for people who she 'knew', but had come up empty, so far. She had begun to think Dante was the only one she'd recognize, and so no one would recognize her. Not a huge deal, really..
SHe liked it here. It was close enough to her own world that she wasn't having to adjust to anything wholy -new-, though the idea of straight upmagic classes blew her mind to the point where she was considering one in the next semester.
A paticularly interesting tree caught her eye then, and she paused with a grin, kneeling to set down her bag and adjust her camera, peeking through the lens at it, adjusting the focus. If anything, it'd be good for her portfolio, right?
When the teacher crossed her path, just as she hit the shutter button, she let out a little squeal of displeasure, making a small face. Not like she couldn't take another one, but it was the principle of the thing!
Laguna heard the squeal and kind of back-peddled and looked over at the girl with the camera. He turned his head to the other side and eyed the tree, and then back to her. Oops.
"Whoa, I'm sorry there, kiddo!" he said politely, before hopping to the side, to get out of her way. "There should be some sort of call you photography students have--like in golf! Scream like... 'Shutter!' before you take a picture." Wasn't that what 'Say Cheese' was for? Then again, you wouldn't say that to a tree, would you?
But then he stopped, blue eyes eyeing over her face, before a huge grin pulled his lips from his teeth. Was it--really...? He stepped around a little more,to get a side look of her face. "...Rinny? Rinny! Hey!! I didn't know you were here!" Why hadn't she contacted him? He'd told her and Squall, at least, that he had to run off to this place for a while back home...
She was about to answer his original question, when he began to scrutinize. Did she have something on her face, or something? A perplexed look crossed her features, and she frowned a little, stepping to the side a bit. Rinny? What the hell? He looked a little familier, but much too old to be who she thought he was. Cid's words, once again, came back to her, and she gave a kind of nervous laugh, reaching up to scratch her head. "Uhm.. Rinny?"
You seriously had the wrong person there, Laguna. "My name is Rinoa.." She was trying to be nice, really! But when a 40 year old man, hot or not, comes up and begins to pace around you, it comes across as a little skeevy. "Do you know me?"
He wasn't trying to be skeevy! Or oogie, as he would've called it. Honestly, he never thought of young'uns that way. Besides, the kids that had helped with the Sorceress Ultimecia? Pfft, extended family, if anything! He still needed to go see Quisty.
"Ha! Do I know you? What, Time Compression have a delayed reaction there?" he joked. Of course, that was about when he stopped and registered that there was no reason for her to ask that...
...unless she wasn't his Rinny, which made him pout a little. He liked that girl. She was a good balance to Squall, he thought! "Aw, man, hey, I'm sorry." He rubbed at his cheek with the hand holding his keys, before he dropped them into the computer bag and offered his hand to her. "You'd be another doppleganger around here, I'm guessing?" Man, and here he wanted to play Cartoon Triple Triad.
She peered at him, and then peered at his hand, before taking it a little hesitantly, and shook it firmly, still giving him that nervous smile. "It's okay.. uhm, yeah, I guess. I think that's what you'd call it." Though, to -her-, any other Rinoa was the doppleganger, and she was the original. Probably a moot point, but.
He didn't -seem- like he was going to do any harm to her, though, which made her relax a little. He still looked eerily like Squall's older brother, though, in about twenty years. But that's how things worked around here, right? "My name's Rinoa Heartilly." A pause, and then she laughed. "But you know that, right?"
She took a second to glance him over, eyes pausing on the laptop a bit. Hm. A teacher? Wonder what he taught.. not any of her classes, at any rate. He still seemed like a pretty cool guy, and if he was friendly with 'her'.. well, then she shouldn't have a problem with him either, right?
"Yeah! Caraway's girl!" he said with a polite smile. Unlike many, Laguna accepted if someone thought of him as a doppleganger. It made him feel cool. Like ninja cool. Of course, that earned a verbal bitchslapping from Kiros when he said that one time, but oh well. It was awesomely true.
Still smiling as friendly as always, he adjusted the bag on his shoulder. "Of course I know that, silly. You're my son's girlfriend!" Cute little couple they made, in his very... not-so-humble opinion. "Rinoa Heartilly and Squall--oh!"
It'd just occured to him he didn't really introduce himself, and he straightened himself in a victorious pose, as he said, "Name's Laguna Loire, my dear!"
The mention of her father made her wince. The mention of being someone's girlfriend made her reel, and the idea that she was Squall's girlfriend nearly made her fall over from the shock. "Squ-Squall?" The fact that this Laguna was Squall's father and not his brother didn't even really hit her.
"Squall's girlfriend?" Her voice was weak, and she nodded vaguely in his general direction when he introduced himself, trying desperately to not laugh and cry at the same time. True, she'd liked Squall, but really.. he was just too.. emotionless! He preferred playing Xbox to talking to her, and that was just not cool!
There was a world where she got together with Squall?! Really, she was trying not to look horrified at the idea. Really! "Nice to meet you, Mr Loire.."
Of course, she wasn't doing a very good job of it... which made Laguna laugh out, but decide not to call her on it and interrogate her for what was exactly on her mind. He'd have other chances to do that, right? And, of course, he had no idea about the Squall she knew, and probably wouldn't believe it. His boy was definitely not the type to take video games serious, preferring his job with SeeD over games. Getting him to play chess or checkers or Triple Triad or Duck, Duck, Goose was damn well near impossible! Even if, you know, Laguna tried. The look of 'You're shitting me' when getting propositioned for Duck, Duck, Goose was priceless.
"Nice to meet you, Rin!" That felt weird, but hey, it was all good! And with a laugh, he held up a hand. "I know, I know, you probably feel having this old guy around you is oogie, eh? I'll leave ya be, but hey, we should talk sometime! Compare worlds and all that, yeah?"
Huh? Oogie--oh! She snapped out of her reverie, and gave him another nervous laugh, shaking her head. "It's not 'oogie', just weird? Like, I kind of know you already, only you're not his dad, you're his older brother." Yeah, okay, that just sounded weird, and Rinoa cleared her throat a bit, lapsing into a silence.
"Well, I just got out of class.. we could talk now, if you want?" Really, she had nothing better to do with her time, anyway, and he -seemed- pretty cool. She was, actually, just as curious to find out about -his- Squall, and all that came with him. Including 'her'.