Jan 28, 2006 19:59
Ok, so I know it's been almost a month. I'll try to list all the important things that have happened in the past few weeks.
1. I have a girlfriend. Her name is Cher. She has sex with me. She cleans my apartment for me. Enough said.
2. I bought a green Fender P-Bass. It's beautiful. I've always wanted to play bass, so now that I have one, I can work on my bass skillz.
3. I finally got hold of some KB.
4. I've started classes. I placed into French 201, skipping two semesters which I will get credit for if I pass, apparently.
5. I'm starting to have doubts about English Education. I hate my world lit class. Constant reading. I think I want to major in Math Education and minor in Creative Writing or something cool like that.
Oh yeah, and work is starting to suck. The honeymoon is over, Domino's...