Aug 28, 2005 22:40
yesturday was my bonfire "bday" was ok..idk i hate having
partys cuz i never know what to do it was alright...we
basically watched movies and sat by the allrgies were like
going CRAZY! so my mom gave me these 2 white pills and they basically
knocked me out! lol lauren kyra ash mike tyler and me were all watching
slience of the lambs and i tried sooo hard to stay awake but i feel
asleep...i felt so bad cuz i probilly made ty tys lap fall asleep..not
like that...i was just like laying in it..kinda..? it was just so
comfy..! lol..and then when i walked him 1/2 way to his car lol we were
saying good night and idk i just didnt want him to idk i
felt like if i let go then the night was really over..and like for some
reason i felt like he wasnt coming back..and i got like scared..idk i
have never felt that way was sooo wierd but nice all in
one...cuz i reliezed i cared more then i noticed before...idk this
stuff is only gonna make sence to
and im speachless at best