Dec 11, 2004 20:12 is like a meatloaf....idk whats gonna be in it but some how i always like it...? lol jsut thought of that myself...
i hate boys! lol i know i say taht and well ya i really dont mean it but still....ahh! y is it that like u can really like a guy and u know well think he really likes u...and then theres another guy who well in a sence is a booty call....and hes the one thats calling u! ahh...and then theres one more lol hes the one that uses u in a way as a booty call? one
big fucked up circle...i wish i was taht kinda girl who can grab life
by its horns (like dodge) and just goes lol....but im that
cant speak her mind unless
its really pissing her off...smiles when the world falling and she has
no one to hold her up...just to pretend like she has that perfect life
she wants everyone to belive she has kinda girl! and it buggs the crap
outta me....i mean i feel like i have no one
that i can tell myself to except my cat...and tahts jsut sad right
there.....i suppose i put myself in that perdicament (big word?) i mean
i am normaly the one to start things to make them all go wrong...but
hey not like u can honestly
prevent taht or anything...sorri for another rambling that really will
just amount to me seeing how much of a life i dont have...
we all think we know...but honestly we all dont