Voice Post

Jun 22, 2007 12:30

Yuuji, chile, ye'd best be commin' bahk home.

Now. She's puttin' ye ta bed fo' a bit, hn?

Wickehd Jahk. Ye hae sometin' ta say ta her? Or are ye jus' gonna play silent 'til de mean fish goes back to where he's been sent.

Sao Feng, me dahlin'...she's goin' to de shore. De watahs be comfortin'... Come keep her company.

Me little Dragon, she hopes ye new pet been keepin' ye company. He'll do whatevah ye ask, just need ta ask him nicely. Would ye like ta come wit' her to de sea?

Maybe a story or two she coul' tell...if ye'd like.

[ooc: Since I can't find a SINGLE picture of them, Tia's given Draco one of those little rock crabs from world's end. <3 She's also pretty much back to her cool, calm, and collected self.]

sao feng, mean fish, bedrest, draco, the sea, yuuji, jack

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