Some interesting facts about INTP, my personality type:
- Most important feature of an ideal job: creativity and originality; earning a lot of money
- In national sample, dissatisfied with "Salary," "Promotions," and "Job security," "Predictability," and "Working conditions" in their jobs
- Lowest of all types in liking work environments with "Clear structures & responsibilities," "Employee loyalty & job security," and "Working as part of a team"
- Most dissatisfied with the work they do, where they work, and future work opportunities, and likely to leave job
- In national sample, ranked 3rd highest in saying "No" and 2nd highest in "Not sure" to belief in a higher spiritual power (There doesn't seem to be a "Not care" option)
- Academic subjects preferred: art, science. Highly represented among college students taking foreign languages.
- Most frequent among college students referred for drug and alcohol violations
Taken from here
On the guy with a crush on me: That guy is friggin' crazy, trying to come over to my house as often as he can. Being the polite person I am, I receive him civilly, yet quite coldly (Burn! Quite contradictorily)