First Post!!!!!!!1111!!!!

Aug 28, 2004 16:06

So, after like a year of pestering you guys have finnally convinced me to get an LJ account. Congratulations :) So anyway now I will ramble about school. The first week of college has been pretty fun. I've been playing a lot of ultimate and tennis which is good.

My compsci class, Computers as Components, is totally awsome, in an incredibly nerdy sort of way. We all form into groups of 2 or 3 and each group gets a motherboard w/ an 68000 processor on it, which was invented 5 years before the discovery of electricity. Or something. Anyway, we have an old cpu and a meg of ram on which to write various programs in C or ASM. It's pretty cool because we get to work with the hardware on a really low level and learn what everything is doing.

Chemistry is gigantic, with like 400 students in it. I found out several days later than Kiran is also in that class, but it is impossible to tell cuz you can't find anyone in that room. I'm kinda pissed because I had to spend $130 for the book, but such is life. Anyway we haven't done much yet so I don't know how it's gonna turn out.

Calc3 gives so much homework its crazy. But it's all good because I actually know some ppl in the class, Chenfei(sp) and Ferres(sp). We were all in math HL last year so we are used to hard math classes.

So that's about it. We should do something this weekend, but I would rather do something outside than a lan party. Yay Brian for getting a job.

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