Apr 10, 2007 11:00
I had to go back and see when the last time I wrote in my journal was, because really nothing interesting has been going on.
I am opening my pool up this season, so I have asked a couple of companies to come out and give me a quote for tearing up my current wooden deck and replace it with paving stones. Hopefully there will be enough money left over to replace the existing boiler type heating system I have in house with a forced air unit (which allow me to have central air-conditioning), not to mention it should greatly increase the saleability of my house.
My mom took out a loan against her 401k plan to help my sister pay for her basement remodelling job. It seems that my sister has been a little slow in paying her back, which is causing her a lot of problems because the 401k loan payments are being deducted directly from her paycheck and not leaving her anything to live on.
I wrote a check to help my mom pay off the loan, but haven't told my sister because I don't want her to think that she doesn't have to repay my mom with quickness. It's sad that people have to play these little games.
My brother still hasn't purchased car insurance on the car that I sold to him. He hasn't changed to title over to his name and he hasn't applied for new plates.
Work is going. I have been hiding behind my iPod for the past few days because it's not really worth it to get into fights or continually being the one to ask the embrassing questions when things are done the wrong way.
I don't think that I have reached the breaking point, where I need to begin posting my resume on the internet. This is a new feeling for me. In all of my other jobs, when I have gotten to this point, I have let my work slip till the point where I am two steps ahead of the lynch mob. This time I am actually still doing a good job while I am having thoughts of leaving.
Very weird.
life update