work in progress

Jun 30, 2005 14:56

I'm really slacking off again, hehehe. I have had tons of stuff to talk about, but I havent gotten around to do it yet, but I decided to take a moment now:p

Uni's finally over (yay!) now all I gotta do is do my final teaching practice and I'm done, I'm a profesional:s I can't help but feeling a bit scared, now I'm finally going to just work... after 17 years of studying (between school and uni) it'll be weird not to study anymore. Luckily I found a very good school where to do my final teaching practice, so it won't be so hard as with my other teaching practices. Only bad thing is that I start next week (eek!) and I won't have any vacations :(

There have also been some minor developings in my "love life" (if it can be called such:p) so if you're interested just

A couple of weeks ago I met this girl named Ely (Elizabeth) and we hit it off right away. She's really nice and though we're not girlfriends yet, we have seen each other quite regularly. Funny thing is that she keeps warning me that I shouldnt get too attached to her and stuff (don't worry, I haven't) because she's very confused about stuff (she ended a 2 year relationship a couple of months ago) yet she still wants to see me regularly and we talk on the phone everyday. O_o I'm not really stressing about the whole thing, but I still think it's weird, hehe... oh well, women:p

And that's it with love:p

A really weird thing happened to me at work last week. I work at an institute teaching English as a foreign language and most of the women who work there (yeah, no men, except th owner, work there) are either students of english teaching or translation or interpretation. But there's this one woman (she's older, like 50-something) who hasnt studied english anywhere, she just had/has (I¡m not sure) a lot of money so she has travelled all over the world and voilá, she speaks english.

Well, last week, the owner of the institute wanted to give one of my classes to her so they would practice conversation because, according to him I'm "better at explaning grammar" (FYI: he doesn't speak english and he is not a teacher of any kind:p) I got soooooooo pissed and I told him I didn't want him to take my class from me cause I know better than "that woman" how to conduct a conversation class. Well, long story short, he gave two hours to her and I got to keep the other 4. (each course is 6 hours per week)

I'm still pretty pissed about the whole thing and I'm gonna see about getting a job somewhere else. Though even if I don't, I'm still quitting at the end of the year cause once I have my diploma, I can work anywhere:p

Ok, this is it for now:p

:: waves ::
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