Attn World

Jul 29, 2008 08:47

As of August 1st I will be officially in Indianapolis, IN full time. I've been staying down here with my girlfriend Maggie since May, but Friday is the big move into the new place. I sign my lease this week sometime and get my keys. Me and Awesome Charles will be holding it down at 5111 Park Ave. if you feel like sending me stuff.

The reason for the move was occupational and social. I needed to get out of Lafayette as I felt I had outgrown it, and I was presented with an opportunity to take over the Broad Ripple Hot Box. I snatched that opportunity up in a heart beat as I had hit a glass ceiling at the WL store. I'm really excited and motivated to work at the Broad Ripple store, and I officially take over August 11th. I plan on working side by side with Squid to push Hot Box into the next level, I just hope our owner realizes that we have his best interests in mind. I'm making changes and fixing problems left and right.

I am using this move as a catalyst to take control of my life and start acting more like an adult. I have already moved the majority of my stuff out of my house into storage. My debts in Lafayette are paid, although I still have 2 people who owe me a bit of money. I'm starting to track and balance my check book, which I didn't do before out of laziness and lack of necessity. I plan on starting to tightly budget my spending, paying off debt, and getting back into saving money. I feel I've definitely slipped to a few financial low points in my life and I'm tired of asking my parents to help me out. They have been there for me through thick and thin but at this point I'm going to reclaim my adulthood.

My outlook on life has improved greatly. I feel I am getting into my great days more often, and I'm just not letting the negative get to me. The BR store is a bit stressful at times, but in much different ways than the WL store ever was. My hair is getting super long again, I somewhat feel like I've turned into a hippie, and in a good way. I really enjoy most of the people I work with and I feel like I have a purpose at this store. I just hope people realize that I'm willing to work as hard as anyone else will and bust my ass to do so.

Its about 9 am and I've gotta be at work at 2pm so I'm going to crash, but more updates soon I'd hope
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