Jul 21, 2005 21:04
Yeah...updating finally.
Went to Six Flags with Jen, Angie, Aaron, and Sam. It was REALLY fun. Me and Aaron damn near thought we were gonna jump off the track...which I can swear we really did. Stupid, old-ass ride... Aside from that, we all had a really really good time. Aaron was his typical touchie-feelie self...which suprised no one.
It was the way home that was scary. Some dude had his high-beams on right behind us, so Aaron flipped him off...well, the other driver didn't like it very much. The bastard damn near ran us off the road! We were down in the breakdown lane/shoulder of the road twice...one point he had to have been no more than a few inches from our ass end. Very scary.
I'll update more later.