Apr 04, 2007 19:40
Today was my second to last important doctors appointment, meaning I only have one left, and that makes me happy!
The best news of all is that my eyes are getting better, I was getting progressively more worried. If you have no idea what I'm talking about here is the brief summary :
Over the summer I was rushed to the emergency room because my left pupil was so large that my iris was completely covered and my right pupil was nearly non existant, which is normally a neurological problem, but in this case it wasn't (which is a good thing)
So they started seaching around behind my eye and stuff with this light sensor and found a small cist behind my right eye, which was kind of a concern. It turns out that the cist was from the lack of oxygen due to contact use, so I wasn't allowed to wear contacts. A week after at my next doctors appointment they noticed that my eye had a lot of damage from the contacts due to them drying out, attaching to the layer of skin over my pupil and then when I would take the contacts out my skin would tear, rip, scratch ect.
So I had to wait a month for that to heal (hence why I've been wearing glasses if anyone noticed).
So today I found out that my cist is nearly gone and completely harmless. My pupils are all healed with minimal scar tissue and besides that my perscription is even worse now, everything is fine.
I can slowly start wearing contacts again (hopefully for a full day by England time)
To top off all the stress of possibly having permanent damage to my pupils (which they thought) I've been missing Variety Show practices because of all the appointments, I've only missed two, the friday rehersal and then todays. I don't think I'll be TOO far behind, but its still really dissapointing. Then of course Stuart being completely not understanding of the reasons I cant go didn't help, its not like I'm purposely missing VS, because I LIKE VS, either way my eyes are way more important to me than rehearsals are.
Oh and I really enjoyed All New England Jazz Festival, the improv thing was amazing.