of stuff and stuff.

Jun 06, 2009 11:16

- I'm pretty sure my wedding is the only one where Burzum, Anathema and the BeeGee's have featured within a 30 minute period.

- New Zulund was coool. Liv got to see snow falling for the first time, which made for a very happy Liv, and i enjoyed it as much as i remembered enjoying it previously.

- We took about 1 million photos, some of which i will begin putting up here. On facebook, i have put about 1/4 and will upload the other 75% once my internets is fixed (more iinet fail :( ). I will just put the goooodererer ones up here i think :). So if your on FB and not added for whatever reason and want the long winded version of photos, add!

- Some of the photo's the actual photographer did are up on her blog as well (http://aksentphotographyblog.com/). Seeing the prof photos really does make it clear why i always say its my charm that gets me by in life, because that is as good as i will ever look! hah.

- I missed my cats terribly while away. Hopefully i will bring them home soon - we have another wedding today and post-wedding mess to clear and such before they get back. I have visited them twice and they are a bit grumpy at being left with my folks, although they love that house and love how much my parents let them run the show, they definitely miss us :D

- Liv and i are both feeling a bit poopy, so hopefully we have swine flu (to build some resistance for when it comes back in 2 years and kills millions - OH THE DRAMAS - real life has become quite internets no?)

- I can once again confirm that Melbourne airport is really shit. i got stopped about 4 or 5 times, we had all sorts of problems. Even flying domestically I seem to have problems at Melbourne :(. I also got patted down, drug searched, bomb scanned etc at Auckland.. because i hadn't slept for days and had been drinking. I can only imagine what i looked like. I have a photo from 6 hours later at Melbourne airport where i am more or less passed out and i looked top notch. haha.

ANYWAY. photos soon.
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