midnight whinge.

May 01, 2007 01:10

Dylan Moran was good. Not brilliant, but good.

On a more whingey note. The moon. Fuckme. Its been going downhill for a while but now, it really just fucking sucks. We went in and were served etc. First guy was nice. Anyway, Liv asked for the Ham/cheese.tomato sandwich but on normal bread, not in the turkish bun thing. The guy just goes "Nah, we make them during the day". So liv asked if he could just get some bread and make one fresh. CLEARLY. We had underestimated the WEIGHT and MAGNITUDE of our respose. This hppy guy he was. I thought maybe he had lapsed into a moment of semi-conscious pot induced silence. He just stood there looking at his special thing, and did nothing. Then we went nah just cancel our order, and before he said anything, he turned around, picked up our drinks and went HEERE THEY ARE. errrr? Liv's coffee was cold too. Then we tried to leave. The money taker was just doing her thing. Liv had to actually go "scuse me, can we pay now?" even though we were standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FUCKING TIL. HOLDING MONEY. I actually checked my phone after we had been waiting a few mins already and said "if we dont get sorted by 10:45 i am going to wave at the security cameras and walk out". Also. Each time i go there the mens toilets seem to smell even worse, even though on each visit i think that the threshold for possible stench has been reached.

It's just sad because the moon used to be a great place to go grab coffee/steak/whatever. No it was never super-service-central, nor was it ever the cleanest place, but it wasn't as utterly rank,. shitty serviced, or full of rude staff. :/

Early start. sleepnow.

comedy, whinge

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