Apr 03, 2005 21:05
Watching movies about men who have all the right and wrong lines at all the right and wrong times.
About men who call when they're supposed to.
About men who come after the women they love.
About men who are nonexistant....
But also about assholes who seduce women to make them feel worse about themselves. And then there's the hero, unmovable and in love, saving the day..and then there's the happy ending..
If only it could be real..at least the calling and promise part.
::sigh:: I got to see him yesterday. It made me happy, but once again no call today. A promise last night, but no call today. goddamn men...goddamn love....::sihg:: oh well, I shall live. and this saturday, I am going to make sre that he and i have a talk. at least about promising when you won't keep it. you can say I'll try to call and not call and be fine. Just don't say I promise to call, and not call..... thats bad.. ::le sigh:: at least some one call me tonight,,, Johnny doesn't read my journal, so I guess he probably won't.... but someone call and commiserate with me. mew ..
kick me for being silly
SEE YOU IN DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!