Aug 07, 2008 00:01
So, I never use LJ anymore. I check it rarely, sometimes just to look at Caturday. Caturday always makes me laugh. It seems like many people have stopped using it. There are very few new posts when I log on.
I finished Breaking Dawn earlier. Somethings frustrated me greatly, but since they worked out later, I was happy.
I'm going to Blinn for one semester then transferring to Texas State if all goes well.
I'm hoping to get a job somewhere in Brenham or Bellville. If you have any suggestions, let me know. I need something more rewarding than class to keep me getting up in the morning. Although I don't assume that a job would be necessarily fun, it would give me something to do in my spare time (which I have a lot of) and give me the option of not spending my mother's money on fun things like movies and clothes and such. My only major problem with getting a job is that I'm extremely afraid of talking to people. For starters, I've been applying online, which isn't really working. Plus I hate lying. "What are your skills?" How should I know? Give me a check list of "skills," and I'll tell you which ones I have. I feel like I'm making stuff up when I fill those in, which half the time I am. This one asked me this, "What would you do if an ATM gave you an extra twenty dollars? 1. Call the bank immediately and find out how to repay it. 2. Pocket the money. 3. Tell someone who works for the bank next you're there...." There were two other options as well that I can't remember. What do you think I'm going to do?! I'm taking that money, but... I totally lied. I guess that makes me a liar and a thief. =D "Sweet! I tricked the machine into giving me extra money with my awesomeness!" As long as it's a machine that I'm stealing from and not a person, I won't feel guilty.
I've been using a more personal journal lately. My thoughts have been more private recently, which would explain my absence from LJ. I've been keeping a fairly detailed account of my life since late April. Only big/fun events though. Not everyday life.