Sep 29, 2004 20:04
im really bored right now..obviously if i'm writing in this piece of shit. had miss monroe pageant practice this afternoon and it was great..this girl who is actually one of my competitors told me that i will probably win because i was so calm on the stage during practice..that if i'm that chill during the pageant, i'm definatly winning..haha..this whole process makes me think of the movie "miss congeniality" i love it..i should be in pageants more often..this is awesome. i'm having some personal issues i think i need to work out before i hurt someone i dont mean to hurt. i do have a lot of bullshit entangled deep within the confines of my mind. i guess writing it is a bit of an escape, for what its worth..this makes me feel better than talking to someone about my problems..with the exception of when i saw Sharon..she was such a nice woman. i'm considering seeing her again..if my mom would pay for it anyway. i havent talked to sharon since i think february. had an interesting conversation with jake last ended well. i like those. i was afraid it was going to end with us not talking..which would have killed me. but it ended okay. better than okay actually, we got a lot of things understood between us, and a lot of things out in the open that needed to be, but werent. hmm...zoloft decreases your sex no masturbating for me for a while..hahahaha...jay has a tiny penis. lol....hmm...i'm totally kicking ass in miss mother fuckin monroe! go me!!!