Tuesday evenings; embedded with wine!

Dec 19, 2004 18:03

Guess what day it is!
...I know, I don't give a flying fuck either. Heh. F:ASFA"GJLSA:GL:AS. Araceli, if you're reading this I hate you.

Now that my negative emotions are out of the way, let's take a moment to focus on our feelings, shall we? I am emotionally exhausted and the way I've been feeling latley gives a new meaning to the term 'comfortably numb'. Everything is very difficult to explain, but I guess you could say that I am subconsiously bored with life. I don't know what to do about it, but eh, I'm not complaining. I'm certainly tired of living in this house, that's for sure. But I have no where else to go, so what am I to do other than sit and wait for change? Though there is a lovely young gentleman I muchly enjoy talking to. Other than that. Fini.
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