(no subject)

Jan 16, 2004 11:33

Have you ever:
1. Kissed your cousin: Don't think so.
2. Ran away: thought about it.
3. Pictured your crush naked: Of course.
5. Broken someones heart: Yeah once or twice.
7. Cried when someone you knew dies? yes.
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yeppers.
9. Broken a bone: yeppers.
11. Lied: yes
12. Cried in school: More times than I can count.

23. What do you notice first: Face, smile, and ass.
24. Last person you slow danced with: Andrea Graffa I think...long time ago
25. Worst Question To Ask: No clue

26. Showered: 10 minutes ago
27. Had Sex: About a month and a half ago

WHAT IS (your favorite):
28. Your best sexual experiance: I wasn't really too pleased with any of it.
29. Your Good Luck Charm: Pictures of friends
30. Person You Hate Most: Clint and many other guys who are dicks.
31. Best Thing That Has Happened: Meeting all my friends
32. Color: blue
33. Movie: Don't really like movies.
34. Subject in school: History
35. Juice: Grape
36. Car: Anything that runs and has a cd player.
37. Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
39. Season: Winter. Otherwise it is too damn hot.
40. Breakfast Food: pancakes
41. Song: Too many to name.
42. Food: Too many to name
43. Makes you laugh the Most: My friends and some of the shit we talk about.
44. Makes you smile: My friends
45. Can make you feel better no matter what: A good amount of my friends
46. Has A Crush On You: Cassandra and Tanya's friend
47. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Tanya
48. Who Has it easier? No idea. Give me a vagina for a week and I will let you know.
49. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: Tanya can at times.

50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: no
51. Save AIM conversations: At times
52. Save Emails: yeppers
53. Wish you were someone else: Yeah at times
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no.

55. Hairstyle: My little boy cut
56. Cologne: whatevers there
57. Perfume: none
58. Kiss: Probably just a peck from one of my close female friends. Holds a lot more meaning to me than anything else I have gotten from anyone else.

60. Kissed the same sex?: Damn straight I have. I love you guys.
61. Fallen for your best friend?: I consider Horst my best friend so no. I have fallen for a friend before though.
62. Made out with JUST a friend?: nope
63. Been rejected?: I don't really ask people out. Give me a few weeks or maybe even a few days and then I can say yes.
64. Been in love?: Of course
65. Been in lust?: Yeah I guess
66. Used someone?: Sure have
67. Been used: That is a definite yes.
68. Cheated on someone?: I never ever would.
69. Been cheated on?: Couldn't have been
70. Been kissed?: yes
71. Done something you regret?: Yeppers

72. You touched?: What kind of touched are we talking about here? Well if you mean just touched as in some body part of mine brushed up against someone elses than it would be Horst.
73. You talked to?: mom
74. You hugged?: Tanya
75. You instant messaged?: Horst
76. You kissed? Lauren probably
77. You had sex with?: Cassandra
78. You yelled at?: Tanya
80. Who broke your heart?: Tanya constantly
81. Who told you they loved you?: Lauren I think.

82. Color your hair?: Maybe
83. Have tattoos?: Nope
84. Have piercings?: nope
85. Have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: That is a big no
87. Own a thong?: Lauren and I have matching thongs.
88. Ever get off the damn computer?: Yeah I do that
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: nein
90. Habla espanol?: nope
91. Quack?: WTF

Have you/do you/are you...
92. Stolen anything?: Probably
93. Smoke?: I did beofre. I occasionally still do.
94. Schizophrenic?: no.
95. Obsessive?: Yeah you could say that
96. Compulsive?: You could say that also
97. Obsessive compulsive?: probably
98. Panic?: All the time
99. Anxiety?: All the time
100. Depressed?: All the time