Random weird dreams

Sep 26, 2009 21:21

I had a dream about Alexander Skarsgard and we were dating. I can't remember much about it but we were driving around some where, like on a bus and Kellan Lutz was sitting in front of us, I remember holding Alex's hand and rubbing my fingers gently on his palm and being all cute with him. I remember making out with Alex too. Kellan kept turning around and talking to us and smiling and Alex and I were commenting on how pretty Kellan was haha We ended up at some store for some reason and I remember some shit went down to where we had to run away. So Alex and I are running and the guy that played Ray in Generation Kill was there and he was running away with us but something happened to where he was further behind. I think we were running out of this warehouse and there was a large door(like the kind that semi trucks back into to unload goods for stores) and there were a bunch of clothes on the ground, so Alex and I jumped down in the clothes and ducked down into this little opening that lead back into the basement of the store, he went before me and I was telling "Ray" to go the way we were but he was too far behind to hear me. I lost Alex in the basement and I was going to whisper his name but noticed a guy walking with clothes in his hands, he was leaving the basement and I waited until he was gone to call out to Alex. He heard me but couldn't find me and said "Where are you?" I was near him and started  making some noises and he came over to me. "Ray" was getting the crap kicked out of him by something and Alex and I decided to save him. And thats all I remember. Really weird.

Then there are some older dreams I wrote down too. I had this one where my friend Jenny was over and she was leaving the house and shut the door on her arm some how and broke it really badly. Then, I had to get her to the hospital which was a feat in its self. Fucking weird.

Then I had this one,where I was in my old bedroom at my dads house and there was this random british chick with me and we called Jared Leto and I remember saying something to him like "You promised me we would hang out" and then he was like I know blah blah blah and then my friend Mindy showed up. Then I woke up, I can't remember what woke me up but I was pissed. haha.
 Then there was this dream that I had a few months back. I wrote this one down so I could remember it. I was on a tour bus with Jenee, Tomo and Jared. And Tomo was checking me out and hitting on me and stuff. And then we end up making out in front of Jared and Jenee. Jenee tells me that Jared was jealous and you could tell by his face. We were going to see a movie and my dad was driving the tour bus. We were in his driveway and Jenee, Jared and Tomo get out of the bus for some reason and my dad starts driving away. I can't read my sleepy hand writting but it says that I told my dad that he could meet the band or something and then I woke up.

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