Dec 24, 2006 13:38

... MERRY X-MAS? It could be goodluck, to say that "x-mas" spelt backwards is "Sam-x".

Right now it is late Christmas Eve, and I am enjoying the second day of my holiday vacation. It is not, however, a real holiday vacation because "holiday vacation" involves taking the time to NOT go to school, on a otherwiseable school day.

INFACT, we only get THREE school days off, not counting Christmas, boxing day, and New Years day.
Its bull, I tell you. Only a mere 3 years ago we would've had two weeks off, and now we are lowered down to this! A small scrap of what it used to be.

Offtopic, there are a few things I hope to recieve tomorrow. Including;
- A cool unicorn watch
- Undies
- A hoodie
- A designer shirt (paul frank)

Annnnnd some other things, but I can't seem to remember.
I'm probably (sub-consciously) only writing this journal entry to kill time. It does not mean I'm excited, because if anything, I am less excited than in the year's past, I just want to get it over with. As well, my nan and pop are in, so I'm kinda glad I am at my mom's now. If I were with them, I would probably be annoyed and have to go to church. Blegh. I have no heart nor mind for Christmas church-going.
For god's sake, spellcheck won't let me spell christmas  without a capital "C".    *experiments*    It won't let me spell Buddha without capitals either, so... Maybe its not christian-biased.

Anyway back to church. Last time I went, I nearly broke my toe. That, however, is another story for another time. [unless someone asks me politely in a sweet angelic voice with a french accent.]

to people who are not Jewish, Buddhists, Hindus, Islamics, Pagans, Sikh-ism, or into Scientology.
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