Holy Macaroo!

Apr 11, 2004 11:46

Three posts in one day, must be a record! ahaha. I just finished watching The Simpsons... :) then I got bored and looked through Landa's Journal...where I found this Survey that will keep me busy for about thirty minutes...Hoooraawwwhh!!

][ What time is it?: My clock is still wrong but, um..It says 11:49...
][ What is the date?: April 11th?
][ Why are you fillinq this out?: I can't sleep and need something to keep me up....houar houar.
][ Number: 16
][ Color: Neon Green
][ Season: Summer
][ Holiday: April Fools
][ Month: June
][ Day of the week: Saturday
][ Grade so far: Early Graduate
][ Class: 2004? rotfl... Drawing and Painting IV
][ Teacher so far: Mr.Deckard
][ Drink: Minute Maid Orange Soda
][ Food: Chicken Alfedo
][ Fruit: Strawberries, Cherries, and Watermelon!
][ Veqqie: Carrots and Tatos!
][ Tv show: Queer As Folk, Ren and Stimpy
][ Radio station: 106.7 KROQ...(( I just listen to their talk shows at 10 pm..they rawk! ))
][ CD: My #1 Mix CD :/
][ Animal: My turtle...turtle :|
][ Clothinq store: Beach Access, and The Electric Chair
][ Ice cream flavor: Almond Chocolate Mocha
][ Breakfast food: Hot Pockets or Waffuhls
][ Way to have fun: Painting/Drawing, Reading, RP'ing, going to shows, and walking down Bristol...ahaha...
This or That
][ me/you: me
][ aol/aim: aim
][ cd/cassette: CD
][ dvd/vcr: DVD
][ radio/cd: CD
][ slow dance/freak dance: Depends with who....LIKE WITH JENN FREAKDANCE ALL THE WAY BAYBEH! houar!!
][ jeans/khakis: jeans
][ jacket/coat: Coat
][ leather/pleather: pleather
][ sparkles/bronze: sparkles
][ sexy/hot: sexy
][ car/truck: car
][ civic/acura: I <3 my Civic ;[
][ corvette/camero: Corvette
][ strong/weak: depends
][ upset/pissed: upset
][ tall/short: tall
][ lunch/dinner: dinner
][ abercrombie/hollister: I own an abercrombie shirt :D its sexai.
][ gap/old navy: gap
][ nsync/bsb: THE BACKSTREET BOyS ARE HOT... * sarcasm giggle*
][ britney/xtina: Britney Spears
][ love/lust: love
][ Gone in 60 Seconds/The Fast and the Furious: Gone in 60 seconds
][ Inside/outside: * thinks naughty thoughts* inside..
][ Lipstick/lipqloss: lip gloss
][ Silver/gold: silver
][ Peircinqs/tattoos: ...both
][ Football/basketball: baseball so I can roll around in the dirt..ahaha.
][ Thunder/lightning: lightning
][ This/that: this
][ Best girl friends: Gina, Katie, Jenn, and Cass.
][ Guy friend: <3 Mike, Everado, and Richard XD
][ Do you qet along with people easily: depends....Do you have money? :D hahaha k...* serious note* Yes..
][ Why?: Because i cant help it?
][ If you could date any person, who would you date and why?: MIKE, but he hates me right now.. and Um because I love HIM. But he's over there and i'm over here so phooey on me. :/ ...and if you mean a sooper stah i'd love to have my hands on orlando bloom...;creams;
][ If you were the opposite sex, which member of the same sex (as you are now) would you date + why?: Talena from Kittie, or Jessica Biel.. Cute! XD
][ Most likely to be on America's Most Wanted: Alan and Omar...
][ Most likely to be a stripper: Jake lmao...
][ Doctor: Lilliane
][ Stay at home mom: Cassandra
][ One you'd travel across the world for: Mike :/
][ Who would do anything for a thousand dollars?: Ian
][ Who has the nicest parents?: Maury
][ Who is like your adopted sister/brother?: Everado!
][ Who is the most like you?: AlyXx
][ If you could take back one thinq you did, what would it be and why?: Hurting Mike, because I upset him and I don't want to since I care about him ; runs to landa arms wide open;
][ Do you have any reqrets?: Yes, quite a few
][ Last thinq you said: It's cold.
][ Last song you heard: Muzzle - Smashing Pumpkins
][ Last person you talked to on the phone: Mike :|
][ If you could qet back toqether with an ex, who would it be and why?: Ricky, he made my life worth living...
][ What are you doinq riqht now?: Talking to IAN and reading The Hobbit...and tis survey, I'm talanted!
][ What cd is in your cd player?: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
][ Are you cold?: YES!
][ How are you sitting?: on a chair indian style
][ Is there music on?: Radio Show...
][ What time is it?: 12:14..it lies though..
][ Where are your parents?: Sleeping
][ How old will you be when you qraduate hiqh scool?: Didn't we go through this already? Early Graduate *throws sign* ....7-teen.
][ Are you going to get married?: Some day...
][ Are you going to have children?: Yes...
][ If yes, how many?: Depends, not soon though...I don't think?
][ What will you name them?: Girls: Hailey, Avery Boys: Brink, Trent
][ Do you wanna qo to college?: I'm enrolled for this fall..
][ Which college?: The Art Institute
Have You Ever
][ Drank: ..Yes
][ Skinny dipped: Hahahaha twice...
][ Prank called the police: I'm emo, id shitmyself before I can say Hello. :|...NO!!
][ Been followed, ect by the police: Yes, but maybe that's because I had a bookbag on an it was 10:30 a.m...
][ Met someone from off the net: yes
][ Been in a fist fiqht?: yeah
][ Punched your siblinq/parent?: My uncle when he punched my ex...
][ Wished you'd die: Everytime anything goes wrong, yeah.I'm emo, what's your excuse? :/
][ Tried to commit suicide?: ...;sigh; Lets not go there.
][ Broken a bone?: yup
][ Driven illeqally: yup
][ Thrown thinqs at your parents?: roses when they got married lmao
][ Ran away: YEP! Across the Country...
][ Filled out a survey this long: longer and funnier ones :/
][ Write in cursive or print?: both, i suck at them too!
][ Riqhty, lefty, ambidexterous?: both
][ What do you think of rainbows?: I think of my wrist band...
][ Do you have any tattoos?: no
][ If not, do you want any, and where?: Yes, my shoulderblade and my wrist...
][ What do you think of eminem?: No..
][ What do you think of britney and justin?: They had sex? :D
][ If you could live anywhere else, where would you live?: San Diego, New York City , or Miami.
][ Do you drive?: yheep!
][ Like milk and cookies?: ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT...yes..
][ Ever worn black nail polish?: yep
][ What color nail polish do you have on?: neon green ;[
][ If you could have a 6th sense, what would it be?: to read people's hearts. ;x
][ Do you do thinqs even when your parents say no?: Yes sometimes.
][ What's your favorite song to "rock out" to?: too many to chose one!
][ Those ALWAYS make me want to dance: That ' im too sexy for my shirt...too sexy' one...WHAT'S THE TITLE OF IT!? ANYONE?!?!
][ Ever taken anythinq from a hotel?: a business card? lmao
][ Did you talk to you crush/bf/qf today?: I DONT HAVE A BOYFRIEND! ;winks; haha i dont though ;[ I talked to my 'crush' or yeah except he didn't want to talk...sad really. :/
][ Do you think this is stupidly long?: NO YES....YEs...ok yes..
][ Did you like it?: 'it'? ..
][ Why/why not?: because.
][ Do you like me for this?: You have more time on your hands than I. YOU ROCK! ahaha ;\
][ what is the time?: 12:29..IT STILL LIES..
][ what is the date?: The same
][ why did you just do this?: I was BORED but thanks to a crappy ending IM STILL BORED..and not sleepy...just hungry :/

Whooo! That was um, great. I wonder how many people will care enough to read my answers. :D

Yeah, I'm going to get a snack and play some online games until i pass out.


;hits you in the back of your head with her emo glasses;
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