• lalalala•

Apr 25, 2004 13:22

So i just woke up, AGAIN. hahah I called mike, i feel bad... i said id call him back lastnight and uh fell asleep,lol. :\ Everado keeps calling but i don't answer the phone...I don't want to go to the beach today,lol. ITS MY DAY OFF I SEE HIM EVERYDAY AND ITS ANNOYING...but shhh he doesnt know that :\. Uhhh yeah I'm probably going to the movies if i actually get off my lazy ass, i doubt it though. We'll see. so I talked to Blake also, hes a moron- in the best possible way of course. I'm getting sleepy again.. baahh. BUT FIRST LETS GO MAKE SOME WAFFUHLS!! <3
<333333333333333333333 eh-lee.

the perfect guy
hair color: black/dark brown.
eye color: hazel/brown/lightbrown
height: 5'9-6
six pack: nasty..
long or short hair: long! <3 emo hair pwns
glasses: if they are emo glasses, MMHMM. If not, hell naw...:P
piercings: Mhm.
scars: o.O we all have scars somewhere...erm yes!
eyebrows:omg yes bushy ones at that, AND OMG PERHAPS IF IM LUCKY HE'LL Have a UNIBROW bwaha •dies•
big butt or little:little, i don't want a big round fat thing swinging around meh.
chest hair: that's disturbing
buff or skinny: skinny/ semi-buff
funny or serious: both
party or stay at home: party then go stay at home with meh! hahaha does that count? ;[
should he cook or bake: The only man i trust with an oven or anything that has to do with cooking is Emeril...HAHAHA BAM!!
should he have a best friend: yes so i can make his bestfriend jealous, then hell be like FUCK YOU. then ill laugh...not really.lol
should he have a lot of girl friends: I'm the jealous type,unless I know the chicks, then go on ahead!
outgoing or shy: outgoing is fun, but shy is dangerous <33333
sarcastic or sincere: sincere, guys are stupid. They think they say the funniest things •takes out her riffle• stewpid men...
should he watch chick flicks: if he's a woosy..or if i wanna watch them XD
would he be a smoker: no, i dont like kissing ashtrays. Plus their teeth get all nasty. And urgh nasty...the end..
would he drink: yes, but not EVERYDAY...
would he swear: Everyone swears.. What the fuck ;\
would he play with your hair: <3 that's hawt, so yes.
one or more girls at a time: I said the perfect man, NOT THE PERFECT PIMP..
bad boy or good boy: by the time i'm done with him he'd be a good boy gone bad...ahahahaa im great, damn im cocky too XD.
would he kiss on the first date: yesh.
where would you go to dinner: Olive Garden or TGI FRIDAYS <3
would he bring you flowers: I don't know?! lol uh a single rose is HAWT but a lot of the other bullshit is phooey,lol.
would he lay under the stars with you:yes <3
would he write poetry about you: YES, <3
would he call you hunny or baby: both, but not all the time, because that would be annoying... very fucking annoying...
would he hang out with your friends: Yepp, not ALL the time though...haha
would you hang out with his friends: mhm.
will he walk you to the door at the end: actually id walk him to my BED. HAHAHA Ok no :\ or yes? lmao.
holding hands: <3 yes.
baseball:maybe, i like baseball. :D
water polo:no
surf:uh huh!
skateboard: yessss
snow board:maaybe.
play guitar: yeah
play piano:lol.......shut up...lol...
play drums: yeah
clean his room: =\ yeah and no,
paint, draw, sculpt: <3 yes
write his own music: yes.
use the word dude: uh-huh.
use the word tight: id slap him :D so no.
watch the sun rise with you:<3 yes.
what kind of car does he drive: ...he'd drive ONE. lol
how old is he:17-21.
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