Apr 18, 2004 00:43
Spell your first name backwards]: ile
[The story behind your live journal user name]: their isnt one..
[How old?]: 7-teen
[Where do you live?]: California
[Wallet]: Black with a one up design on it...
[Jewelry worn daily]: Jelly Bracelets, lip ring? uhhh... my star necklace that I got from Erika XD
[Shoes]: Hurley looking chucks, vans, or one of my ranbow colour converse... :\
[Cologne]: Ralp or Liz Sport..
[Piercings]: 1 right side of my lip, 1 on each of my ears.
[What are you wearing now]: Light Pink Dickies with my Black and Pink Stripped shirt :/
[In my head]: What the fuck?
[Wishing]: Love
[Talking to]: myself
[Some of your favorite movies]: Bio-Dome, LOTF, Grease
[Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months]: College, friends, Mike, and my own place!
[The last thing you ate?]: Gummy Bears
[Something that you are deathly afraid of?]: Not being loved. (( Right on Jenn!))
[Do you believe in love]:Yes, it means the world to me. Too bad I'm not getting any of it right now ;[. Men suck anyway!
[Do you believe in soul mates]: no
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: no
[Do you believe in forgiveness]: always
[If you could have any animal for a pet]: a squirrel, they are rocking.
[What are some of your favorite pig out foods?]: Chilli-CheeseFries, Gummy bears, and Japapeno/hot chips.
[What's something you wish you could understand better?]: Love, people, and the stars.
[Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?]: Ricky.. :[
In the last 24 hours, have you:
[Cried?]: Yes.
[Bought something?]: Yes
[Gotten sick]: No.
[Been kissed?]: Good night cheek bye bye kiss? Yes. (( my little sister rotfl))
[Felt stupid?]: me? PFFTT NEVER! haha
[ you loved them, but they didn't?]: Yes, even as of now. phooey on me!
[Met someone new?]: Yeah, this guy Scott from work..and Jade.
[Moved on]: No,
[Talked to an ex?]: I can't face my ex's, I miss looking at them though...But i'd have a break down if I did... ;[
[Missed an ex?]: Yes, very much
[Talked to someone you have a crush on?]: Yep!
[Had a serious talk?]: Today
[Missed someone?]: Yes,
[Hugged someone?]: Mhm!
[Fought with your parents?]: My mum..-sigh-
[What type automobile do you wish you drove?]: A PINTO! OH YEAH! bwaha not really :/
[Would you rather be with friends or on a date?]: ..both
[Where is the best hangout?]: Brea Mall or at The Lucky Strike
[Do you have a job?]: Yes, I just started too!
Have You Ever . . .
[Eaten an entire box of cookies]: Yes, you know..those individual boxes.. JENN YOU LIE LIKE A DAWHG!
[Been on stage]: YES! XD! My freshman and sophmore year rawked!
[Seen the Eiffel tower]: YEs, on tv and pictures...ahaha
[Hated yourself]: Yes
My Favorites
[Song]: My name is Jonas- =W=
[Color]: Pink/ Neon Green (( depending my mood!))
[Color to wear]: ALL!
More Random Questions
[Any stuffed animals]: Yes,
[Summer camp]: Many, Woodleaf being the best!
[Pepsi, coke, or dr. pepper]: WHAT HAPPENED TO ORANGE SODA!?
[Chocolates or flowers]: Ballons XD
[Sugar or salt]: Salt, it clogs arteries =D
(More) Have You Ever . . .
[Been in love]: Unfortunantly yes.
[Been so drunk you blacked out]: I wouldn't remember if I blacked out? durrr.
[Went out in public in your pajamas]: YEah, I look niftah in them too so fuck you haha.
[Set a body part on fire]: That one hand fire trick thing shit i do..if it counts..:/
[Had an imaginary friend]: No, I hate myself i'm not skitzo
[Called or seen a psychic]: I called Jenn lmao.
Do You . . .
[Want a tattoo]: On my shoulder blades and wrist.
[Ever have the falling dream]: A lot
[Have a computer in your room]: Yep!
[Have any regrets]: I regret a lot of things...Like hurting people and falling for lies. -.-
[Are you happy?]: No
[Are you talking to someone online?]: No
[Are you ready for this survey to end?]: *shrug*
Do You Believe In . . .
[Yourself]: Yes
[Your friends]: Yep
[Love]: Yes
[Destiny]: No
[Signs]: No
What would you do . . .
[If you have 10 mins to live]: I would tell the person I love how much I love them then I'd look out into the ocean until my time has come..
[When and who was your first crush]: Um, 8th grade, Joe. He was a hottie.
[What do you first notice about the opposite sex]:Maturity and the sluts they hang out with, I am so judgemental (( jenn lmao))
[Your idea of a perfect date]: Anything that includes looking out into the ocean and holding hands is good enough for me!
[How romantic are you? [1-10]: 1
[Biggest turn-on]: Being told "I love you," and "You are so beautiful." and and " You are the best thing that has ver happened to me,"
[Have you ever been sent flowers]: Yes. <3
[Memory/thing you miss most]: Being embraced in Ricky's loving arms.
[What'd you do yesterday]: went over to Jakes with G'g.
[Last person you talked to on the phone]: Mike
[Last thing you said]: " Wrong number!"
[Last song you listened to]: It's my life- No doubt.
[What do you sleep in]: Eh depends,
[Occupation you want]: Be a top producer in the Graphics Industry or a Lawyer...YEAH ODD I KNOW -.-
[Favorite drink]: *shrug*