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Apr 05, 2005 21:35

 i havent updated in a while ive been pretty busy with school lately. over the weekend i spent saturday morning with my mom downtown at race for the cure, and then at night and sunday morning and afternoon i spent ot over at beckas!!!! it was her sisters 19th birthday and i spent the night, i havent done that in forever. but i had alot of fun and im glad i went over after so long! for dinner we had some mexican thing that i didnt know what was but was good and abc 123 rice. and i spelt out my name and i took a long time to spell and get in order. and i was trying to take a picture of it but the plate would blare it out so that got me mad. but heres come pictures that have been on my camera for a while.  
 it looks like a tooth!
 i also took everything off my wall but this stuff.
 itried to take one of my mom while she was walking but she ran off but thats her foot in the lower corner.
 they let off some balloons
 once we got home my brother had some flowers for my mommy, if you cant read the note it says i dont know what we'd do without you! and it made my mom cry alot. 
 kenny was taking pictures with my camera during my becuase he got bored and then in trouble. 
 then a couple wednesdays ago sarah was dancing like a g-dawg at church.
 then i got bored after school and i liked this picture except it makes me look like im pregenant!

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