Hey . Well...yesturday me & Kat went dowtown with my mother for a few hours :\ because we were bored. I got 90$ pants from borderline! They are so rad! & a blink poster & patch!
Then we went back to her house. Invited people over to just watch a movie or something. But Eric & Greg were the only ones who would get a ride so they came & we watched the texas chainsaw massacre...and wrestling. lol. Greg was laying on me because i didnt want his feet at me because feet are gross even tho he rubbed his on me :'( i fucking hate feet! Over all it was cool. Me & Kat didnt go to bed till' 4ish.
Then today was just another computer day. Even tho i had an English Essay i couldnt print it :( i doubt i'm going tommorow anyway because i feel soooo sick. It's almost 2:30am & i cant sleep. I've been crying for an hour over a punch of shit...
P.S Today i met Ewic's friend Evan & he's so rad =D we are going to move to California. Go to concerts. Cuddle. Have hot emo sex. & die like Romeo & Juliet.