Which of your CLOSE friends have you known the longest?:
uhm... i've known Rachael W. since preschool... and shelby f. was the first in Trumbull, and idk in milford
Which of your CLOSE friends have you know the shortest?:
uhm... no freakin clue. they all just seem to have been there like forever..
Who of your friends is the tallest?:
we're all short... idk
Who of your friends is the shortest?:
haha probably me
Who do you talk to for LOVE advice?:
emily, shelby, jennie, marney
Who do you talk to for SEX advice?:
uhm... haven't decided yet...
Who do you talk to for SCHOOL advice?:
Who can always cheer you up?:
oh god... like everyone. mostly shelby, kelsey, jennie, shaelyn, emily...
Who can always bring you down?:
haha not saying
Who can always put you in your place?:
Who can always make you do stupid things?:
all of themm
Who brings out the best in you?:
uhm... no clue
Who can you cry to?:
shelby. i cry to her all the time. lmao i feel bad. her and jennie and kelsey and shaelyn
Who do you share your deepest secrets with?:
shelby, jennie, emily
Who do you wish you saw more of?:
uhm... all of them?
Who do you need to see less of?:
uhm... no clue
Who is the biggest flirt of your friends?:
emily.. lmao
Who is the most :
the most what...
Who is the prudest of your friends?:
according to SOMEBODY, that would probably be me, but it'sdefinitely not me. maybe... uhm no clue
Who will become a nun?:
haha nobody i know
Who will become a stripper?:
no idea... omg jennie!! haha she told me to put that in the last one so i'm putting her again
Who will become a teacher?:
Who will become a doctor?:
Who will stay unemployed forever?:
Who will marry first?:
no idea
Who will have the most kids?:
Who will live the longest?:
Who will you remember forever?:
all of them
Who is your friend with benifits?:
i have friends. no benefits.
Who do you love the most?:
ALL OF THEM <33333
no more dr. pepper or club soda for me!!