Title: Star-Crossed
Fandom: Real Person Fic: CW
Characters/Pairings: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17 for explicit sexual content and all issues inherent in slave fic: physical, sexual, and emotional abuse (none between the main pairing, most of it not graphic)
Word Count: TBD
Author’s Note: Okay, here I am, a MASSIVE FUCKING LOSER posting my
spn_reversebang way late and incomplete to boot. I had so many things throw themselves in my path as I was scrambling to finish this fic, from a lost laptop charger to getting really sick, but I had to stick with it because this beautiful art of
soulmatecest's inspired me so much and I really wanted to give her the story she deserved. I am still working on that story, but since the
spn_reversebang is a really important challenge to both of us--and one I have always participated in--we wanted to get SOMETHING up before the challenge shut its doors for the year. So with that in mind, please be warned that THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY INCOMPLETE. Honestly, I don't recommend reading it yet! I will be working on getting the rest up either today or over the next few days (honestly, depending on how much my health does or does not improve), and at that point I'll advertise the complete product. Thank you so much to the
spn_reversebang mods for running my favorite challenge of the year smoothly and compassionately, and to
quickreaver in particular for being the one to have to put up with me. Saint. Thank you also to
alley_cat025 for looking over the first chunk I'm posting and reassuring me that there are no horrifying errors.
Pao, my delicious pepperoni hot pocket, you were the best to work with. Not only were you forgiving of my constant lateness, enthusiastic as hell, and so goddamn talented, you also are just such a hilarious person to mess around with and we were on SUCH A WAVELENGTH with this story and you made me so fucking excited to work on it. I wanted it to be the best story it could be for you and I am still working on making it that. And although you know most of what will happen, I THINK YOU WILL FIND I SLIPPED IN SOME SPECIAL SURPRISES FOR YOU. Jensen's dick is not quite made of candy (*moment of silence for all the mourning Jareds*) but the next best thing. I hope so so much that you love the complete story as much as you loved the bits you have read. Although I was not always The Best author to work with, this has been one of my favorite collaborations in all my time in fandom. Seriously, I've wanted to rub my limbs all over your art from the first time I saw it, but I am so so glad it finally happened for this project.
Summary: AU: As a space captain in the post-Earth age of exploration, Jared seems to have everything a guy could want. He's engaged to a beautiful empress, soon to be the emperor, and, best of all, is pioneering the human race's colony on the beautiful and recently discovered planet of Acklonia. He's not a fan of everything his empire does, but he turns a blind eye-at least until he meets Jensen, an enslaved native of the planet he's trying to settle. Despite Jensen's distrust of humans, and of Jared in particular, there's a spark between them that can't be ignored. But Jared's engagement to the Empress means that the closer they grow, the more they put their lives and the future of Jensen's planet at stake.
(Basically, it's Aida IN SPAAAACE.)
PART ONE 🚀 PART TWO (eventually) 🚀 PART THREE (eventually)
ART AO3 (eventually)