One Direction: All My Tentacles Move In (One Direction) [Art]

Apr 27, 2013 22:25

Title: Art for All My Tentacles Move In (One Direction) by beckaandzac
Fandom: One Direction
Characters/Pairings: Zayn/Louis/Liam/Harry/Niall (I TYPED THAT OUT WITHOUT CHEATING AND LOOKING AT MY NAME SHEET! \o/)
Rating: PG. Fic is NC-17.
Type: Digital Art
Author’s Note: This is the art for beckaandzac's awesome tentaclebigbang All My Tentacles Move In (One Direction). OKAY, I KNOW THE TENTACLES LOOK RIDICULOUS, BUT I TRIED, I REALLY DID. 1D is not my fandom, as you reading this probably well know, but I am very deeply invested in this fic because I helped Becka plan it back when unavoidedcrisis was trying to convince her to sign up and made up this great title and we were like, "WELL WE CAN'T LET A TITLE LIKE THAT GO TO WASTE." And then we dreamt up this cracky brain baby and IT WAS AWESOME. So when I saw it up for art, I had to grab it even though I am a terrible artist and it deserved better. YOU SHOULD READ IT. IT'S AWESOME. THEN LEAVE NICE COMMENTS FOR BECKA BECAUSE SHE IS A DOLL AND HER STORY IS CRACKORIFIC.
Summary: When they find out that an age-old family curse causes Zayn to grow tentacles, the rest of One Direction work together to help him deal with his slimy little problem in the sexiest way possible. Non-AU (except for the tentacles) set during the Judges' Houses phase of X Factor.



one direction, other media: fanart

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