Real Person Fic - CW: Rub Me the Right Way [2/2]

Feb 21, 2012 23:58

Genevieve's foot brushes against Jared's no less than five times during dinner. He knows because he shoots up in his seat every time, as if she's electrocuting him. She smiles when he looks over, but he keeps pulling away instead of responding the way he knows he should, and the smile slips quickly.

She pulls him out to the garden after dinner, and they walk hand-in-hand until they reach a bench. Then she stops and sits on it, pulling Jared down with her.

"Okay," she says. "What did I do?"

"What do you mean?" Jared asks.

Genevieve raises an eyebrow at him. "Two days ago, you were obviously into me. Completely worthless at making a move, but you were into me. Or pretending to be."

"I'm still into you," he says.

"Then why do you look like you've seen a ghost? And why are you talking to me like, I don't know. Like one of the boring stiffs my dad brings over to try to marry me off to."

Jared swallows, looks away. To his surprise, Genevieve laughs.

"Oh god. He got to you, didn't he?"

Jared turns back. "Huh?"

She shakes her head. "Look, I'm sorry about him. He means well, I swear." She rolls her eyes. "He's just desperate to marry me off and, I'm pretty sure, half-convinced I'm going to be an old maid."

Jared lets out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "You mean he's done that before?"


"So you're not-?"

"Expecting you to propose and knock me up within the next three hours?"

Jared laughs slightly, but he's not completely kidding when he nods. "Yeah, that."

Genevieve shakes her head. "I like you and all, Jared. In fact, I really like you. But I'm not trying to rush into anything."

"Thank god," says Jared. "Dude, he really scared me."

"I could tell," Genevieve replies, bumping her shoulder against Jared's. "You looked like you wanted to run away that whole meal."

"That's because I did." Jared realizes how wrong that came out. "Not that the idea of marrying you is terrifying or anything! I'm sure it would be wonderful."

"Just not right away," Genevieve says.

"Just not right away," Jared agrees.

She grins, wraps her fingers around Jared's tie, and tugs him in for a kiss. It's brief, just long enough to tease him with the taste of her lip balm. "So what do you want right away?"

Jared shrugs, mentally checking himself before his eyes wander to the deep cut of the top she's wearing. "Just your company."

Genevieve laughs, pulling him in for another kiss, holding the back of his head as she deepens it. This one lasts much longer, and Jared relaxes into it happily. Then she pulls away and gives him a mischievous smile. "I want a little more than that," she whispers, leaning in so her lips brush the shell of his ear.

Jared's dick is listening. "And just what do you have in mind?"

"My room," she says, pausing to point, "is that one right over there. Two windows over from the one with the light on." Her hands find Jared's and she gives them a squeeze. "I'm not supposed to entertain men in my room, but I've learned over the years that the trellis on the side there is sturdy enough to hold quite a lot of weight."

Jared coughs. "Do you mean you want me to-?"

"Only if you want," Genevieve says. "I mean, if you're bored or something."

"That's so-"

"Romeo and Juliet?" Genevieve says, her tone clearly mocking. "Look, I just want to get laid."

Jared laughs, taken off guard. "Well, that was direct."

"Trying to be suave didn't really get my point across last time."

Jared laughs, scratching his forehead with his thumb. He knows Jensen is around here somewhere, pretending to be a flower or a pebble or something, and he's pretty sure the genie is silently laughing at him. Agreeing with Genevieve. They're both kind of assholes, Jared decides, and that's kind of his favorite thing about both of them.

"After I leave, then?"

Genevieve nods, biting her bottom lip and leaning back in for a kiss. "Good thing you came in a cab, huh?"

Jared opens his mouth, then remembers he was magically transported here by his genie friend, and closes it again. Maybe he'd better just let the cab assumption slide. The point is that Jared doesn't have a car to hide, and that means he's really going to get to do this.

They make out for a while longer, breaking in with jokes every now and again, until someone calls out that it's dessert time, and they drag their feet back to the house. It's another hour before everyone says their goodnights, and Jared's thrumming with too much excitement to contain.

"Is she everything I said and more?" Jared asks, his eyes fixed on the moon. It's full. Romantic. He heaves a sigh. "Isn't she perfect?"

Beside him, Jensen materializes, and the bee that had been circling around Jared's head disappears. Jensen drops down onto the bench Jared had been sitting on with Genevieve an hour earlier and smiles weakly. "No, yeah," he says quietly. "She's great."

Jared stops, turns away from the moon to look at his friend. "What? What's that tone about? You don't like her?"

"I do," says Jensen. "She's snarky. She'll keep your ass in line."

"And she likes sex!"

Jensen laughs under his breath. "You're a really lucky guy."

"Only because of you," Jared replies, taking the empty spot next to Jensen. "Man, this is really happening, huh?"

"In twenty minutes," Jensen says. "In case you were wondering since you last checked the time. Thirty seconds ago."

Jared feels himself blush, lets go of his phone in his pocket without bringing it out and glancing at the clock. "Okay, so I'm a little excited."

Jensen laughs again, but it sounds off, and his smile hardly lasts a second. "Hey, I'm gonna go ahead and leave. Give you guys a little privacy," he says. "If you need me again, I'll know, but otherwise, I really don't want to-"

"It's gonna be quite a show," Jared says, winking lewdly. Jensen rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he disappears.


Jared turns his head toward the whisper, sees Genevieve sticking her head out of her window. "Hey!"

"Are you talking to yourself?"

"Uh," Jared answers. "You look really pretty."

Genevieve snorts. "You're like 15 minutes early, but the coast is clear."

Jared nods, walking the garden path until he's just under her window. It really does feel like he's prince charming or something, and Jared doesn't mind, indulges the fantasy, wondering if all the guys in fairytales had princesses as awesome as his.

He reaches the top and falls through the open window, though Genevieve has to pull him in half the way. Not the smoothest of princes, but he gets the job done.

"My hero," Genevieve says. She's standing above Jared, who is sprawled on the ground where he fell, and watching him with a comical expression.

She's got a long white nightgown on, and it's see-through in the moonlight. This is the best night ever.

Jared smiles, shrugging. "I mentioned how graceful I am on my resume, right?"

Genevieve frowns a little, helping Jared up. "This is a pretty weird job interview, huh?"

Jared tilts his head to the side, not really getting why Genevieve suddenly seems so hurt. "I was just kidding."

"I know," she says, sitting on her bed and sighing. "Or I think I know."

Jared sits next to her, taking her hands in his, and she looks up to meet his eyes.

"Jared, is this…?" She licks her lips. "I'll understand if it is. If you just want to marry me and get my dad to sign his company over to you, I get it. And…I'll go along with it, okay? Hell, I'd rather you get it than that creep Jeff. I just need to know that's what this is. Because you're acting like it's not, and none of the other guys did that, and I'm…I actually like you, so please tell me if this is just about the job for you."

Jared brushes a thumb over the corner of her mouth and leans in, kissing her pouting lips. "Gen, I fell in love with you in that elevator. Before I even knew who you were. And I haven't stopped thinking about you since."

Genevieve looks him over for a few seconds, and then a smile breaks out over her face. She pulls him in for a kiss, and they fall back together.

He wakes up a few hours later. There's a light shining in his face, and the bed is empty next to him. If the silk sheets weren't so unfamiliar, Jared would think the night before had all been in his head.

He sits up. "Gen?"

Something shifts in the room, and Jared only figures out where the light is coming from when she turns to face him. She smiles, looking every bit as infatuated as Jared feels. "Hey," she says. "I'm sorry, did it wake you?"

She points to the computer, and Jared shakes his head. "Nah, I leave mine on while I sleep all the time." Jared lifts the comforter. "Do kind of miss you, though."

Genevieve laughs. "You're adorable," she says.

Jared grins. "I sure am. What are you up to, anyway?"

"Downloading that program," she says. "The one you were telling me about the other night. For designing website layouts and stuff." She gives Jared puppy eyes. "Can you come teach me how to use it?"

Jared laughs. "Now? It's like four in the morning."

Genevieve looks away. "Not if you don't want to," she says, putting her hand on top of the computer like she's about to close it. Jared gets out of bed, rests his hand over hers, stopping her. He's got no problem with it, and she actually seems to genuinely be interested, so whatever.

They spend the next two hours playing around on the computer. Genevieve asks endless questions, and Jared's happy to help. She sits on his lap while he shows her what to do, giggles when he presses his lips into her neck, and Jared's basically in Heaven, even if he does feel a little like he's at work, too.

When the sun starts to peek in through the window, Genevieve jumps, standing and tossing Jared his clothes.

"I hate to do this," she says, "but you should go before the sun really rises. If you get caught in here, I'm pretty sure Dad will insist you make an honest woman out of me."

Jared laughs, pressing a last kiss to her lips before getting dressed. "I'll call you?"

Genevieve grins. "Yes, please." She pushes him toward the window. "Now get out of here."

Jared crawls back down the same way he came, considers trying to get Jensen to show up and poof him home. But work isn't too far from Genevieve's house, and Jared figures at this point, there's not much use in going home before heading into the office. He's only got a few hours before he's supposed to clock in, and he's feeling so good about life that getting there early doesn't sound so bad.

It's not long before he regrets the decision. Jared has a weird feeling the whole way to work, like someone's following him. He doesn't see or hear anything; he's not sure what it is. He just has the feeling.

It's confirmed about five blocks from the office. Jared is cutting through an alley to get there faster, in retrospect not such a good idea when he was already a little spooked. But Jared's a big guy, can usually take care of himself, and it's not like he has any real reason to feel threatened, anyway.

Not until there's a guy in a mask popping up in front of him, pointing a gun at his chest, and another guy coming up behind him, same deal.

Jared tries to reach for his wallet and begins to explain that he won't put up a fight, wondering all the while if Jensen would hear him if he made a wish. The guys don't hear him out, and before he can try wishing, he hears a loud crack. A gunshot.

He feels it pierce him and sinks down, and there's loud barking and sirens, and the sound of two men running. Then it all gets to be too much, and Jared can't hear anything, can't see anything. He coughs, the pain in his stomach somehow getting worse, and realizes with a dim terror that he's dying. He's fucking dying. Five minutes ago it was the best day of his life.

With some effort, Jared manages to open his eyes. There's something in his face, and when it finally stops swimming in Jared's vision, he sees a big, wolflike dog. It feels horribly out of place and random, though it explains the barking. The dog looks worried, which is probably just Jared imagining things. Too much blood loss will do that to a guy.

It whimpers, its nose pushing into Jared, but Jared doesn't feel the impact. That's when he recognizes it, the big green eyes and the speckle of dots along its snout. Jared wants to ask for help, but his voice fails him, and all he manages is a huffy laugh.

"Freckles," he says weakly, trying to shove at the dog's nose. Then the world goes black.

When Jared wakes up next, he's in horrible, agonizing pain. The kind of pain a guy really shouldn't have to deal with when he's already dead.

He opens his eyes with some effort, the surroundings sinking in way slower than they should. It's familiar. Jared tries to sit up in shock when he realizes he's at home.

"Shh," someone says, and suddenly Jared's easing back into bed, obeying the voice as if by instinct. "Calm down, Jay. You'll only hurt yourself worse if you freak out."

"How did I-?" Jared asks. "What even was that?"

"Someone tried to kill you." Jensen is sitting next to him on his bed, his hands resting on Jared's shoulder as if he's pushing Jared down, but there's no pressure. He still can't feel it. "Well, not someone. Jeffrey."

Jared's eyebrows draw together. "What?"

"Those guys weren't trying to mug you. They were following you from Genevieve's to kill you."

"That doesn't make any sense," says Jared. "Why would anyone want to kill me?"

"Because you're going to get that company pretty soon, Jared, and it's obvious." Jensen frowns.

"You really think Jeff would try to kill me over a job?" Jared asks, almost laughing.

Jensen's face is stony when he responds. "I've seen people kill over a lot less."

Jared's smile slips. He doesn't ask; he doesn't want to think about the things Jensen's had to do. He feels sick. "I don't-are you sure?"

"Positive," Jensen says. "I barked up a storm, managed to get those two dicks arrested. I whisked you away from the crime scene before the cops arrived, because I knew you'd be dead if they took you to a hospital. But the guys started talking as soon as they were in custody, and the whole thing led back to your friend Jeff. There was even paper evidence. I guess the guy really thought he would get away with it."

"All this happened while I was out?" Jared asks. He shakes his head, trying to reorient himself. "How the hell long did that take?"

"It's only been a day and a half," Jensen replies.

"Oh, only," Jared mumbles to himself. "Shit, just when things were looking up at work-"

"Please don't worry about stupid shit like that," Jensen says. "I faked a call to work for you. You're sick for the week. They're okay with it. You just need to heal, okay?"

"Easier said than done," Jared tells him. "God, I feel dead. Come to think of it-why am I not dead?"

"I brought you back," Jensen says. "And you'll be okay." His voice is shaky. "I'm sorry, Jay. I had to use a wish. I couldn't swing that kind of magic without it being a wish, and you couldn't make it to the hospital, but I didn't want to…I couldn't just let you die."

"Are you really apologizing for saving my life?"

Jensen looks away. "If I'd been there, it never would have happened to begin with. I know you were saving that wish."

Jared rolls his eyes, attempting to sit up again. A wave of pain washes over him, and he doesn't need Jensen's magic to make him lie back down this time. "Jesus, fuck," he says. "You couldn't do anything about the pain?"

Jensen smiles ruefully. "There are a lot of vital organs reforming themselves inside of you right now. My magic can do a lot, but that's going to hurt no matter what."

"Kinky," Jared says. He closes his eyes, swallows another complaint. Jensen saved his life, shouldn't have to hear him bitching about how much it hurts, but Jared is in agony.

"You need to sleep," Jensen says. "Just sleep it off, the pain will be gone soon."

"I can't." Jared shakes his head. "I'll never fall asleep like this."

Jensen reaches out. Jared doesn't feel his hand as it soothes down his body, but he feels the warmth that slowly spreads over him, all the way down to his bones. "Sleep I can do," Jensen says.

Jared's eyes begin to slip closed, but he struggles against the wave of tiredness long enough to reach out, his fingers sinking right through the wrist he's trying to grab.

"Stay with me, Jensen," Jared says. "I don't want to be alone."

Jensen watches him a few seconds, then changes back into the dog Jared had seen in the alley. It curls up in front of Jared's chest, and even though he can't sink his fingers into the thick fur or feel any kind of solid protection, there's more warmth where Jensen's lying, and Jared feels safe.

It's dark outside, judging by the pitch black in Jared's room. It's dark outside, and Jared is alone. He reaches his hand out, heart sinking when he realizes the dog version of Jensen left his side at some point. Jared feels a little cold, but then he remembers what he felt like when he fell asleep and he's just relieved.

There's no pain anymore. Jared feels completely fine. He sits up, looking around. His eyes have adjusted to the darkness, and he sees that Jensen's lamp has been moved. Instead of out in the living room on his couch, it's propped at the end of Jared's desk, directly across from his bed. He smiles, thinking maybe Jensen didn't ditch him after all.

He shoves his blankets aside and walks over to the lamp, picking it up and rubbing the side. Green smoke pours out; Jensen stands in the middle of it.

"How're you feeling?" Jensen asks, before he's even really taken full form.

"Good," Jared answers. "Really good."

Jensen smiles. "That's a relief."

Jared laughs. "Still not sure why you didn't just leave me to die. Could have a shiny new master by now."

Jensen frowns. "Don't joke," he says. "Don't joke about that, okay?"

Jared swallows hard and looks away. God, he sucks at conversation starters. "I think what I meant to say was thanks."

"It was your wish," Jensen says dismissively.

Jared shakes his head. "No, it wasn't."

"Did you wake me up for a reason?" Jensen shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "Or did you just feel like bugging me?"

Jared shrugs. "I didn't mean to bother you. Just kind of wanted some company. I didn't think you would mind, but if you do, it's totally okay."

Jensen shakes his head. "I don't mind," he says. He sits down right where he's standing, cross-legged on the rug in the middle of Jared's room. "What do you want to do?"

Jared takes a seat on the floor, imitating Jensen's posture. "I want to hear more about you."

Jensen makes a sound that wants to be a laugh but isn't really. "Haven't I bored you enough?"

"No," Jared replies. "I want to hear about you. And remember, I'm recovering from being dead here. You have to be nice to me."

Jensen laughs. "You're such an ass."

"Maybe." Jared nearly tries to give Jensen's thigh a slap. Fuck, he keeps forgetting. "But I still want to hear more about you."

Jensen stares down at Jared's hand, and Jared can't read the expression on his face. It doesn't look mad, at least, but then what does Jared know? Finally Jensen's eyes meet Jared's. "Do you want me to tell you or do you want me to show you?"

"Show me wha-?"

There's a tight tug, like a car going from zero to sixty. Jared closes his eyes on instinct, feels a cool breeze on his face before he opens them again. And they're-Jesus. They're floating high over the city on the weird rug Jared's mom insisted he buy to cover the wine stain on his bedroom floor.

"Jensen!" Jared kind of squeals, but in his defense, he's flying on a scrap of fucking fabric with nothing to hold on to. Not even Jensen, who the wind is passing right through, which is kind of really upsetting. Jared could go for an excuse to hang on to him. "Jen, tell me honestly. Are you trying to kill me?"

Jensen laughs. "Now what would be the point of that?"

"I dunno," Jared answers in a very small voice. "But I am clearly going to plummet to my death."

"You won't," Jensen promises. "I'll catch you. Just trust me and I'll catch you."

Jared nods slowly, trying to let some of the anxiety seep out of him. He does trust Jensen. He's just not sure it's totally necessary to put 1000 feet between him and the ground to prove it. "Where are we going?"

Jensen laughs. "Just keep your eyes open, okay? You're not gonna want to miss this."

Jared nods, still pretty petrified. But it's the same kind of scary as being on a rollercoaster now that he's relaxed a bit. Really cool, and definitely exhilarating. "I can see the whole city from here," Jared says. "I think I recognize some of the buildings."

Jensen turns his head back a little, looking Jared in the eye. He seems excited, which is something Jared's never seen on Jensen's face. It's kind of enchanting. "We haven't even gotten started," he says, and he's not fucking kidding.

They ride that carpet past the skyline, and as they speed up, Jared realizes that the buildings they pass by-over, under, just hardly swerving to avoid-are changing. The people who double take as they zoom past are changing. Instead of bright lights and skyscrapers or people in jeans and t shirts, everything starts to scale back.

They're traveling in time, Jared notices, his eyes nearly taking over his whole face when they circle around a half-built Eiffel tower.

"This isn't possible," Jared says. "That thing is like a hundred years old."

"Where do you want to go?" Jensen asks, laughing at Jared's enthusiasm. "What do you want to see?"

"What are my options?"

"Anything," Jensen tells him. "Anytime. Anywhere."

Jared makes a lot of request, and Jensen fulfills almost all of them. All of them except for the ones that make his lips go thin, and Jared realizes Jensen must have been there, must not have happy memories. So he moves on to the next thing before Jensen can make himself uncomfortable, and Jensen keeps giving Jared this weirdly thankful look, as if he's not the one doing something awesome for Jared. Jared can't suppress the urge to reach out and run his hand down Jensen's back, or the air where Jensen's back should be. Jensen just shivers, faking a smile until they reach their next destination and his enthusiasm becomes genuine again.

Jared skims his fingers over the surfaces of lakes that dried up centuries ago, and the water feels cool on his fingers. Jensen takes him to see temples in Ancient Greece that have since become ruins. They end up in the Forbidden City in China, sitting on the roof of the palace, waiting for the best fireworks in history, according to Jensen.

"Dude, I cannot believe that just happened," Jared says, taking a swig of some wine he stole as they flew through the streets of Paris. "No one ever told me that was my fault."

Jensen smirks. "Yeah, maybe the next time you see a guy carving the sphinx, don't yell hello and wave your arms at him."

"I was trying to be friendly!" Jared defends. "I was excited."

"He nearly died," Jensen says, and then he starts laughing again. "Oh god, the look on his face when he saw us."

Jared joins his laughter, clutching at his stomach as it starts to hurt from the effort. It's like the fifth time in the last ten minutes. At least he's getting a workout, but he's just been shot for crying out loud. Jensen should take it easy on him.

"Want to go in for a feast?" Jensen asks. "I'm pretty tight with the current emperor."

Jared burps. "Still full from Russia, dude." The fireworks start, and Jared turns to look at Jensen. "Tell me about the emperor."

Jared is getting kind of tired for conversation, but he could listen to Jensen forever. Jensen smiles. "He was even worse at talking to chicks than you are," Jensen says fondly. "It was kind of cute. The guy was this big political genius and then whenever his intended would come around, he couldn't form a damn sentence."

"I thought you said you'd never seen love," Jared teases.

Jensen looks over at him briefly, frowns and turns back to the sky. "I try very hard to forget when I do."

Jared's chest aches a little at that. Jensen is lonely. He has no idea how he missed that until now, how he didn't realize the front the genie puts up is a mask. "I want you to remember."

Jensen smiles but doesn't look away from the show. "I want to remember," he says, "there are a lot of things I want to remember." He looks at Jared. "I don't know what it feels like to touch someone anymore. It's been so long since I could."

Jared closes his eyes. "It's cool out, but not cold. And on the carpet, when the wind passes by, it's so refreshing it's like jumping into water on a hot day."

"Are we uncomfortable?" Jensen asks.

"A little," Jared says, shifting closer to Jensen. "The roof tiles are digging into our asses."

"Our poor asses," Jensen says, smiling out of one side of his mouth. "The rug isn't soft enough?"

"Well, it helps. But you have such a delicate ass-"

Jensen glares. "On second thought, I'm pretty sure the only pain in my ass here is you."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Take it however you want, Jared." Jensen blinks a few times. "What else?"

"Our stomachs hurt," Jared says. "We shouldn't have eaten so much."

"Mmm," Jensen says, smiling. "But it was so good."

"Yeah," Jared agrees. "And now we're tired. But it's too beautiful to leave."

Jared can only see half of Jensen's face, but the way he smiles then, all his walls dropped, just genuine and glowing and…it's not like anything Jared's ever seen, even taking the magic carpet ride across the globe into account.

He must be dreaming, he thinks. Even after accepting the genie thing, this is too much to take in. Jared sits up too quickly, nearly sliding off the roof, struck suddenly by the horror of that thought. He's asleep. This is just another dream, like all the other good dreams Jared's had since Jensen started helping him sleep.

He frowns, interrupting Jensen's peace and quiet. "This isn't real, is it?"

Jensen turns his face, clearly surprised by the question, then he shrugs. "Does it really matter?"

"Yes," Jared says. "If this is a dream, none of it is really happening."

Jensen rests his hand next to Jared's. So close to Jared's. "Maybe."

Jared looks down between them. "It's just a dream," he says again, more to convince himself than anything.

"Is it a good dream?" Jensen asks.

Jared picks his head up to see that Jensen is watching him closely. His face is unreadable again, but Jared thinks there's something vulnerable in his expression.

"I know it's not your wish," Jensen says. "I know it's not your dream." He flexes his hand, looks like he's going to cover Jared's with his own, but he doesn't. "But it's not a bad one, either, right?"

Jared shakes his head. "No, it's not a bad one."

He wants that hand to touch him. He wants-God, he doesn't know what he wants.

"I could kiss you here, couldn't I?" Jared licks his lips, then his eyes dip down to Jensen's. "If it's a dream, I can feel you. No reason for the rules to apply."

"I suppose so, Jared," Jensen tells him. "Why would you ask me that?"

"Well, it's one way to know for sure, right?" Jared smiles, leaning closer. "If I kiss you and it doesn't work, then this is really real. I actually got to do all this."

"You can try if you want," Jensen tells him, though the words are so hushed Jared almost doesn't hear them. It doesn't sound like a very genuine offer. "I won’t stop you this time."

Jared almost does. Just to be sure. Just to get to kiss Jensen, so he can have one benefit if it does turn out this isn't real. Jensen looks like he wants Jared to do it, even if his words were hesitant, and something about that want makes Jared's chest expand and retract all at once. It wants to break wide open, but it's a pleasant kind of pain.

But as he's leaning in, he pauses, realizing how wrong this whole thing is. He's got a girlfriend-his dream girl, and besides, Jensen could not have made it clearer, out in the real world where these things count, that he wants nothing less than for Jared to think of him this way.

And what's worse-those aren’t the real reasons he stops himself. Jared is half an inch from Jensen's mouth, his whole body clenched up in fear, and he realizes he doesn't want to know. He'd rather fall right off this roof than fall through Jensen. He'd rather spend the rest of his life wondering than feel the kiss and know for sure that he dreamt this whole thing up.

Jensen opens his eyes, pulling away. "Jared?"

"Can you take me home?" he asks. "Please."

Jensen winces, then nods curtly.

They don't make any stops along the way. They don't take the scenic route. Jared is back in his bed in the blink of an eye, and according to the clock on his nightstand, only ten minutes have passed.

It was a dream, that couldn't be clearer. But when he wakes the next morning, Jared could almost swear the rug is just a few inches more centered than it was when he went to sleep yesterday. He can't be sure. He's probably imagining it, only seeing a difference because he wants to. He never paid much attention to where exactly the damned thing was.

There's no pain left from the night before, no allover ache telling him there's no way he could have been up in the middle of the night, flying around and getting into trouble without a hitch. There's no way to be sure one way or the other, and Jared can't stand not knowing.

He could always ask Jensen. That's the only way he can be positive, but if he does it, if it was real, Jared's going to have to face this whole thing. He'll have to sort out just what exactly he's feeling. It sounds like a lot of hard work.

Jared groans, sinking back into bed, and wishes he at least had some coffee to get him through the morning.

"Still hurts?"

Jared's eyes fly open and he sits up. "Ahh!"

"Wow, calm down there," Jensen says, laughing as he leans against the doorframe. "I've been here for like a week now, I'd think you'd be used to me popping in by now."

"I am." Jared looks down, realizes he's mostly naked and pulls his sheet up. "I just…forgot. Or you caught me off guard. Or something like that."

Jensen hmms to himself, then walks into the room. He's frowning a little as he sits at the edge of Jared's bed and reaches for the covers as if to fuss with them. "I thought you'd feel okay by now."

"I do," Jared assures him. "I mean, the wound isn't bothering me."

He'd forgotten it was even there. He pushes the covers down just an inch so he can see if there's a mark, and sucks air in quickly in shock. There's a huge, ugly scar where the bullet must have pierced his stomach.

Jensen looks at it, runs a finger over it. Jared can't feel it, but his dick twitches anyway. Shit, that is so not okay. He scoots to the side so Jensen's not touching-or attempting to touch-him anymore, as if that's going to make him any less turned on.

"I can make it go away," Jensen tells him, pulling his hand back quickly and looking up. "If you want me to."

Jared shakes his head. More of that Jensen warmth inside of him is going to do nothing for his current struggle to keep his boner at bay. "It's kind of cool, actually. Makes me look tough."

Jensen laughs softly. "Whatever you say, Jared."

They sit for a few seconds, kind of just staring at each other, and Jared doesn't realize how weird it is until Jensen clears his throat, breaking the moment. "You hungry? I can make breakfast."

"For the first time ever, not really." Jared's eyebrows draw together. "I feel like I ate a feast last night."

Jensen looks away, and something about that, how eager he is not to meet Jared's eyes, makes Jared's heart start pounding just a little faster.

"I had this dream," he continues.

"Dream?" Jensen asks, looking up too fast.

"Yeah. You were in it." He tries to figure out what Jensen's thinking just by reading his face, but it's impossible. "Do you-? I mean, I know you've been helping me sleep. The dreams I've been having lately, do you know what they're about? Do you make them happen?"

"That would be kind of creepy of me, huh?" He shakes his head. "No, I just make sure they're good. Your brain decides what makes them that way."

"Oh," Jared says, looking down at his hands so Jensen can't see his disappointment. "Well, it was just a dream, anyway, not like it matters."

Jensen laughs dimly. "Just a dream," he echoes.

Jared looks back up, catches Jensen's eyes. "Was it?" he asks. "Was it real?"

"Was what real?" Jensen pushes, giving Jared this look like he's waiting for Jared to say it. Like it's real, and all Jared has to do is acknowledge it.

"Last night," Jared says. "When we-"

Jared's phone chooses then to go off, and Jared curses, scrambling to grab it off his bedside table. "It's Genevieve," he says, thumb hovering over the green button. He tries to catch Jensen's eyes again before answering, but Jensen is staring at the phone. "Jensen, was it real?"

Jensen points to Jared's cell and stands up, a thin smile on his face. "You should get that," he says, and then he walks out of Jared's room to give him privacy.

Jared sighs, answering with as much enthusiasm as he can muster. Genevieve is calling to finalize plans they made last week-before Jared got shot and dropped off the face of the planet-that Jared had completely forgotten about. He's the worst boyfriend ever, and that's without taking the fact that he's spent the last three days wanting nothing more than to make out with his genie into account.

Genevieve is supposed to be meeting Jared's friends tonight, his payback for all the family functions he's had to go to. It's not a big deal, just Chad and some guys from work, and Jared had been excited about it when they made the plans. Should still be excited about it. But it means leaving Jensen alone, and Jensen's already been alone for so long that it doesn't seem fair.

He says his goodbyes to Genevieve, hangs up, and then crawls out of bed and into the shower. By the time he gets out, Jensen is already back in his lamp, and there's a bright green light blinking through the glass. Jared knows that means he's awake, but he can't think of a good excuse to summon him, so he heads for the TV and wastes most of the day looking back toward the door to his bedroom, waiting for Jensen to come out.

He doesn't. Jared dresses himself for his big date, no one gives him pointers on how to behave, and Jared knows he doesn't really need them at this point, but it still kind of stings, anyway.

Whatever. All Jared needs is a few beers and some laughs with the guys and his girl on his arm. He hasn't left the house in days. All of this confusion will go away with a little fresh air.

"I'll be right back, babe," someone says, and then Jared feels a kiss on his cheek and realizes he's babe. "Ladies room."

He shakes his head, smiling, and nods at Genevieve. "Yeah, of course."

She tilts her head a little to the side, giving Jared a worried look. "Are you okay? You've seemed out of it all night."

"I'm great," he says. "Fine. Just tired."

She laughs. "Four beers," she mutters as she slides off her stool. "What a lightweight."

Three pairs of eyes watch her make her way across the bar.

"She really knows how to wear a skirt, huh?" says Chad. He lifts his hand for a high five, which Jared blatantly ignores. "C'mon, man. I'm just congratulating you on a job well done."

"Maybe don't stare at my girlfriend's ass so much," Jared says. He kicks Aldis under the table, and Aldis jumps in his seat.

"What?" he says. "What happened?"

"You're ogling his lady," Chad says, putting on an annoyed tone. "Apparently that's not appropriate friend behavior or some shit."

Aldis sighs. "How the hell did you find a hot chick who actually likes World of Warcraft? You are the luckiest man alive."

Jared grins, rolling his eyes. "That is the most jacked criteria I've ever heard."

It's kind of endearing, though, the way his friend's eyes are twinkling. Aldis is probably the only person working in the IT department who genuinely enjoys his job, and he and Genevieve have been talking computer nerd pretty much since she and Jared sat down. He's figured out by now that Genevieve kind of has a massive hard on for all things technological, so it's not all that surprising to see her and Aldis hitting it off.

It is kind of surprising that he's not really jealous about it. Aldis is a good guy, Jared knows he wouldn't ever intentionally hit on his girlfriend, but he's been making goo-goo eyes for the last two hours and Jared's been too preoccupied thinking about his own shit to even care much. He's just been zoning out, making apologetic faces whenever Chad says something too crass, but mostly-Jared doesn't even feel like he's really here. His mind is at home. With Jensen.

This is getting pretty inconvenient.

Jared has another four beers and spends the rest of the night as absent from the conversation as before, and then everyone decides it's about time to head home. Genevieve wraps her hand in Jared's, and he walks her to her car.

He opens the door for her, leaning down to kiss her because that's what he's supposed to do, and she smiles. It's a good smile. Jared fell in love with that smile. But the moonlight lighting up her cheek falls on smooth, white skin, and Jared can't help thinking she'd look a little better with freckles.

"Wanna come home with me?" she offers.

Jared coughs, scuffing his shoe, and then looks back up. "You know, I'm really tired," he says, feeling like the biggest jackass on the planet.

To his surprise, Genevieve nods enthusiastically. "Yeah," she says. "Me too!"

"So we'll just-"

"I'll call you. Tomorrow."

"Good, yeah." Jared smiles again, leaning in for another kiss. It falls on her cheek, he's not sure if it's his fault or if she turned, but they both laugh, and after a long, awkward pause, she gives him a small squeeze on the shoulder and gets into her car.

Jared shrugs the whole weird night off and makes his way home. It'll all make more sense in the morning. He's just drunk-okay, so he doesn’t feel drunk, and he didn't really have that much, but he's probably just drunk.

Yup, that's his story and he's sticking to it.

Jensen's lips are every bit as soft as they look. He's a fucking champ at making out, and Jared grabs onto him, fingers digging into bare shoulder just to hold him where he is. Jared doesn't ever want him to move. If he moves, Jared's pretty sure he'll fall right through.

"What's wrong?" Jensen asks, pulling away a little. He's still so close Jared can feel his breath brushing his face, and god, he smells like some intoxicating mix of incense and wine. "Why'd you stop?"

"I can feel you," he says. "Jensen, I can feel you."

Jensen doesn't say anything, just dives back down, finding bare skin to suck on. It's so hot Jared nearly stops thinking. Nearly.

"Why can I feel you?" he asks, staring up at the ceiling as Jensen does something glorious with his tongue.

"I made a guy come once," Jensen whispers, "just like this. Just my tongue on the shell of his ear." He laughs. "I'm really good with my tongue."

Jared really didn't need to be told. "That doesn't answer my question, though."

Jensen huffs, sitting back. "You know why," he says. "Do you have to ruin everything?"

"This is a dream," says Jared, a little sad. "I can feel you because this is a dream."

Jensen smiles, relaxing as he leans into Jared. "You can feel me, though."

His hands wander down Jared's chest slowly, sliding under the elastic of Jared's boxers. He finds Jared's dick and starts to stroke, and Jared groans.

"Tell me what I feel like," Jensen says.

"Hot," Jared says. "Oh god, it's so hot."

Jared can feel Jensen as he begins to smile against his skin. "Yeah?"

Jared's nearly shaking now, and the things Jensen is doing-with his hand or his magic, Jared doesn't have enough brain cells to tell what the hell it is exactly-should be illegal. "Jensen."

"Let it go," he says. "C'mon, Jay."

Jared sits up, breathing hard through a cold sweat. There's a nasty wet feeling between his legs, and he flushes all over as he realizes he just had a goddamn wet dream. Like he's sixteen years old again. He looks at the lamp sitting on the edge of his desk, at the muted green glow that means Jensen's in there and asleep, and rubs a hand over his face.

He can't help wondering if Jensen can dream, if he's thinking about Jared over there, or about some asshole that broke his heart a thousand years ago. Or maybe Jensen just dreams about freedom. He keeps glancing over at the lamp, embarrassed by the idea that Jensen might wake up and catch him like this.

Finally, Jared gets up, wincing at the slide of come down his legs, cleans himself up, and changes into a fresh pair of boxers before getting back into bed. He was supposed to wake in the morning, after a good night's sleep, and remember all the reasons that he and Genevieve are meant to be.

Instead, he's up in the middle of the night, after a really much too good night's sleep, and he's pretty sure of something, but it's not the answer he was hoping for.

"Jared Padalecki," he tells himself. "You've done some stupid shit, but this takes the cake."

Jensen's lamp glows just a little brighter-almost as bright as when he's awake in there-and Jared can't help but take that as agreement.

Jared presses the end call button on his phone, puts it on the coffee table, and stares at it for a few seconds, waiting for it to blow up, or turn into a puff of air, or start ringing again only to tell him they'd had the wrong number.

"What's up?" asks Jensen.

He's leaning against the wall next to Jared's TV and looking down at Jared with amusement.

"Mr. Cortese-he called-said I…" Jared shakes his head. "Dude, holy shit."

Jensen snorts, slumping into the couch next to Jared. "You really don't understand the concept of wish fulfillment, do you?"

"Not when…" He takes a deep breath. "Wow."

"Tell me!" Jensen says impatiently, almost bouncing in his seat. "I don’t know just how good it is yet, you're killing me here."

"They had to let Jeff walk because there was no body," Jared starts.

"Better than the bastard deserves," Jensen mutters under his breath. Jared rolls his eyes, and Jensen waves his arms in the air. "He tried to kill you!"

"I'm over it," Jared tells him. "Let me finish. So Jeff goes free, but the scandal was bringing the company bad press so Mr. Cortese fired him."

"Uh huh," Jensen says, smiling and leaning forward. "And so he gave you his job."

"Well, he gave Misha his job-"

Jensen interrupts, "So he gave you Misha's job? That's still great!"

"Dude, let me finish," Jared says again, laughing and swatting at the air where Jensen's sitting. "Misha's wife just had a baby, and he said he didn't want to take a promotion that would give him even less time with his family."

Jensen starts grinning, and Jared can't help doing the same. "And then they offered me Jeff's job."

Jensen surges forward, arms open, as if he's about to envelope Jared in a hug, and then he sits back, sighing. "That's great," he says after a few seconds of looking annoyed with himself. "Congratulations, man. I'm happy for you."

Jared laughs. "What're you congratulating me for? You did all the work."

"I did some of the work," Jensen concedes.

"Jeff definitely was guilty though, right?" Jared asks. "I mean, he was a dick, but all this didn't happen to him just so I could replace him?"

"Definitely guilty," Jensen assures him. "But don't worry. I can scramble his brains with a snap of my fingers just to be sure he doesn't try it again. I'll count it as a clause to your second wish. Don't die right now-don't get killed off by the same jackass in a week, either."

"How about you just make him forget he hates me and we call it a night?"

Jensen sighs but smiles, snapping his fingers. "You never let me have any fun."

"Oh, I know, I'm the worst."

Jared sticks his tongue out, and Jensen turns to him, expression fond. "I don’t know about worst. Probably third worst, or maybe even fourth."

"Jensen," Jared says, making an effort to keep his voice steady as he changes the subject. He's scared to broach this; a part of him thinks Jensen might reject him. But he can't keep stringing Genevieve along now that he knows who he's really in love with, and he wants Jensen to know how he feels before he breaks up with her. "I'm going to go see Genevieve today."

Jensen's smile falters. Before Jared can tell him why, Jensen says, "Set me free."

"What?" Jared asks. He's almost positive that came out of nowhere.

"You're going to go propose, right? You've got the job now, so you're gonna go get the girl." Jensen swallows. "And she'll say yes, and that's great. That was what we were working for. I'm happy for you. Really. But I don't need to see it. So set me free. Please, I need to get away from this."

Jared frowns and opens his mouth to reply, but Jensen doesn't give him a chance. "It's not my place to ask for it, I know. But you promised. And I believed you. So, please. Please. Do it, Jared. Like you promised."

"I can't," Jared says, not even realizing it's what he's going to say until the betrayed look passes over Jensen's face.

"You can't?" Jensen asks coldly. "Jared, what are you saying? You're the only one who can."

"No, I…" Jared shakes his head. He had every intention of freeing Jensen…until Jensen said he wanted to leave. That part of Jensen's freedom for some reason had just never occurred to Jared. And it's obvious-of course Jensen wants to go off and live his own life. He has every right to. But Jared can stop him. Wrong or right, Jared can stop him. What he can't seem to do is make himself say the words that'll let Jensen run away. "I mean, I will. Just. After we're sure. That I have everything. You know? I might still need that wish."

Jensen's eyes narrow. "Right. Of course. You might wake up one day and remember you'd rather have a new car than let me go."

Jensen stands up, and Jared seizes forward, trying to grab his hand to pull him back and explain things. "Jensen, it's not like that."

Jensen rounds on him. "Why don't I believe you?"

"Because you're not letting me talk-"

"I think I've already let you talk more than I should have," Jensen says. He takes a deep breath, and his voice sounds suspiciously watery when he continues, "God, I'm so stupid. I actually trusted you."

"Jensen, please."

He glares. "Please? You don't have to say please to me. I'm your slave, remember?"

"You're not a slave," Jared says. "Not to me."

"Does telling yourself that make you feel better? Do you think just because I use magic means I'm doing any of this because I want to?" Jensen raises his wrist, the one with the metal clasped around it, and holds it out. "No, Jared. I'm a slave. And you're a bastard. You're worse than all the other assholes I've been stuck with, because they never pretended to be-"

Jensen drops his hand and turns his back to Jared. "Forget it. It was stupid of me. I've known better than to expect this for a thousand years. Hell, I stopped even asking centuries ago. I must have been crazy to think you'd be different."

"Jensen, wait."

Jensen freezes and turns slowly. His face is indifferent by the time he's looking at Jared. "Yes, master?"

Jared winces. "Please don't be mad at me."

Jensen's eyes dim even more, and he shakes his head sadly. "If you have a wish, you know where to find me. I'd really appreciate it if you don't summon me until then."

And then he's gone and Jared's pretty sure the lamp will burn him if he tries touching it now.

Jared stares forward, just past Genevieve's eyes, and coughs. They've been sitting here like this for several long minutes, turned toward each other on the couch in her living room, good wine on the coffee table and a fire burning low and romantic across the room. He's got her hands in his, and he looks down at them in his lap, trying to find the words.

"I want to break up," she says.

Jared looks up so fast his head nearly bumps hers. He's not sure if he heard that right, or why the words he's been trying to get out are suddenly in her voice in his head instead of his own.


"I want to break up," she says again, squeezing his hands. She's making an apologetic face, and Jared is almost 90% sure he's not imagining this. "Please don't hate me, Jared. I know you came over here to celebrate your promotion and I feel awful spoiling that for you, but-"

"No," he says. "No, me too."

"You too-?" She blinks a few times, then clarifies, "You came here to dump me?"

"I…" Jared licks his lips. "Yes."

"Are you just saying that so I don't feel guilty?"

"No," Jared answers. He braces himself. "There's someone else. I mean-not that I've cheated or anything. But I'm in love with someone else. And I don't want to lie to you about it."

"Me too," Genevieve says, her face almost lighting up. She looks like she's about to laugh, and wow, this is going so much better than Jared could have hoped for. "I met someone else, too."

"It's not that you're not great," he says.

"Exactly," she agrees. "You're wonderful. You're just-"

"Not quite what you were looking for?"

Genevieve nods. "I guess I met you in that elevator, saw your shirt, and made some assumptions. I thought we had things in common that we don't." She grins. "You don't really like computers that much, do you?"

Jared huffs out a laugh and shakes his head.

It wasn't quite like that for him; Genevieve never disappointed him. She's just as smart and funny and wonderful as he'd built her up to be. She's beautiful, dynamite in bed-and Jared's about to give her up for someone he almost kissed in what may or may not have been a dream and who would be justified in never wanting to talk to him again. It seems crazy, but she's not what he really wants. Not in practice. Finding out that that's mutual is making him feel worlds lighter. At least he's only pissed off one person he cares about tonight.

"Who is it?" he asks. "If you don't mind me asking."

She shifts uncomfortably, tucking a hair behind her ear. "It's Aldis. We haven't done anything, I swear, he hasn't tried anything. But we've been talking online since the other night, and I think we have a connection that just isn't-"

Jared smiles. "I know," he says. "I could tell. The other night-everyone in that bar could tell. You guys are gonna be great together."

"Yeah?" she asks. She smiles shyly, ducking her head. "I don't even know if he's into me like that."

He laughs. "You don't need to worry, trust me."

"How about you?" she asks, grinning. "Just tell me it's not that Chad guy."

"Jesus, no," Jared replies, wrinkling his nose. "It's my-"

He pauses, wondering just how he was planning to finish that sentence. My Genie who lives in a bong, maybe. Because that wouldn't look like the world's most obvious lie to try dumping someone nicely.

"My Jensen," he finishes.

"Your Jensen?" she asks, raising an eyebrow. "Does this Jensen know you've staked a claim?"

Jared coughs at that. Probably more than he wants to, though not in the way Jared's hoping. "Uh. Kind of. Not really."

"You better go straighten that out," Genevieve tells him. She leans forward, kissing Jared on the cheek. "And I have an email to send."

Jared grins, pulling her in for a hug. "I'm so glad we can still be friends," he says. He sits back, holding her at arm's length. "We're still friends, right?"

"Yes, you giant dork," she says through a laugh. "Go get your Jensen."

Jared jumps up, makes it to the door before turning around. Genevieve is standing just behind him, her arms crossed over her chest and a questioning look on her face. "What now?"

"I wasn't ever using you," he says. "You know that, right? I meant it when I said I love you."

"I know, babe," she replies. "Now get off my lawn."

Jensen's waiting on the couch for Jared when he gets home. He looks up as Jared enters, then quickly back down. Jared lets out a sigh of relief. He'd been worried Jensen would still be so mad he'd be hiding in the lamp and wouldn't give Jared enough time to set him free.

"I'm sorry," he says. "Jared, I blew up. I had no right to be upset with you, and I'm sorry."

"You had every right," Jared replies, tugging to loosen his tie. "I lied to you. I let you down."

"It wasn't my place to try taking one of your wishes. They're yours for a reas-"

"Can we not?" Jared interrupts. "I mean, I'm sorry, too. So sorry. And you're going to tell me I shouldn't be, and I'm going to tell you you shouldn't, and I just want to put the whole fight behind us, okay?"

Jensen nods, then fidgets quietly for a few seconds before saying, "Did she say yes? Are you getting married?"

Jared huffs out a laugh as he joins Jensen in the living room. He sits on the sofa instead of the loveseat in case Jensen still wants space. "We broke up."

Jensen's eyes go wide and he starts shaking his head. "No. What? That…" He stands up and moves to sit next to Jared. "That's okay. We still have another wish to work with. We can figure out how to fix this."

"That's your wish," Jared says quietly. "I was never going to use it for anything else. I know you have no reason to believe that, but it's the truth."

"No. I didn't do my job. I fucked something up." He runs a hand through his hair. "I don’t know how, but if you give me another chance, I can get her back for you. Just trust me, and I-"

"Won't let you fall," Jared finishes for him.

Jensen blushes and looks away, but Jared smiles wider than he would have thought he could. That wasn't a dream, and Jensen really did say Jared could kiss him on that palace roof. "I've already fallen."

Jensen doesn't lift his eyes, but Jared thinks he sees him start frowning. "I know. I know how much you love her. I'll fix it for you, I swear."

"No." Jared wants to tip Jensen's chin up, but he has to settle for talking. "Jensen, look at me."

Slowly, Jensen lifts his eyes to Jared's face.

"I wanted to break up, and I don't want to get her back. I told her I fell for someone else."

"But she-"

Jared cuts him off. "It's you. Jensen, it's been you for days, probably longer."

"Jared?" Jensen says in a whisper. "This isn't funny."

Jared catches his eyes so Jensen can see that he's serious. "If you had a wish, what would you wish for? Other than freedom."

"You wanna know what I really want? More than freedom?"

Jared nods, and Jensen lets out a shaky laugh. "God, you know why I really got so upset earlier? A part of me doesn't even want you to free me. A part of me just wanted an excuse to stay and watch you-be happy with her. Even with how much it hurts. The thought of leaving you makes me want to suffer through it. Stay a genie, as long as I can be your genie. And that terrifies me, Jared. You terrify me."

Jared frowns, but Jensen puts his hands out, framing both sides of Jared's face. Jared can't feel it, he knows that it's just an illusion, but he tries to lean into the touch, anyway. "I just wish I could touch you. All I want is to know what you feel like."

"I wish you were free," Jared responds immediately. His words come out so rushed that Jensen must not process what he said until the gold clamped around his wrist releases and falls onto the couch between them.

Jared reaches out, wraps his fingers where the cold metal was. He feels Jensen's skin begin to solidify, the moment his pulse begins to pump, the warmth as blood rushes back into his veins. Jensen just sits there frozen, staring with his mouth hanging open.


"Free," Jared says, still holding on to him. "To go, but I hope you'll stay."

"Wish for something!" Jensen says. "Quick. Wish for something."

"I could really go for a sandwich right now?"

Jensen grabs the collar of Jared's shirt with both hands and shakes him. "Wish for it!"

"I wish I had a sandwich?"

"Bite me!" Jensen replies with a cheerful smile. "Get your own fucking sandwich."

"Well, I didn't really want you to-"

"Wish for something else." Jensen's whole face is lighting up. He looks so young all of a sudden, and Jared can really get used to it after all that bitterness that's usually lurking in his expression.

"I wish for a hula hooping poodle with three heads."

"Not on your life." Jensen grins. "Again."

"I wish you would kiss me instead of making me wish for thi-"

Jensen drags Jared in by the fabric he's still gripping. He tastes like wine, just like Jared dreamed he would, and Jared sucks on his tongue, his bottom lip, licking as he deepens it. He pulls away. "What do I feel like?"

Jensen reaches up to cup Jared's face again. He leans in, kissing the stubble on Jared's chin. "Rough," he says.

Jared laughs. "That's not what I was expecting to hear."

Jensen smirks, pulls back to kiss his mouth again. "Jared."

Jared turns toward him, letting Jensen's hands skim down his body, touching everything within reach. "Am I allowed to make jokes about you rubbing my lamp now?"

Jensen chuckles and rests his forehead on Jared's shoulder. "Only if you don't mind me punching you in the nuts."

"I'll file that away as a no." Jared smiles, resting one of his hands on the back of Jensen's head. "Any more wishes I can grant for you while I'm on a roll here?"

"Mmm," Jensen murmurs into Jared's neck. He moves up, rubbing his nose against Jared's jaw. "I wanna go to Disney."

Want more? There's now a TIMESTAMP!

rub me the right way, real person fic: cw, genie-jensen!verse

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