Supernatural: Honey, Give Me a Smile

Jan 04, 2011 18:26

Title: Honey, Give Me a Smile
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean/Jess
Genre: Smut
Rating: NC-17 for Explicit Sexual Content, Alcohol Use, and Language
Word Count: 5,440
Author’s Note: Written as a pinch hit for placeofinsanity at the spnthreesome exchange. I wrote for this prompt: "‘Honey, do you love me, can you give me a smile?’ Drunken games that end up more.” I really hope that you enjoy this, and I am so sorry about how long you had to wait for it. ♥ Thank you to lightthesparks for helping me out with the plot bunny (one day, I will write the cracky version of this ;p)-and for getting so excited she made lovely art for the story! See, placeofinsanity, your wait was long, but you got TWICE the shiny gifts! :D Another thank you to wutendeskind for the beta!
Summary: Jess has a few too many shots of tequila during a game of ‘Truth or Dare?’ and accidentally reveals her deepest fantasy: to have a threesome with brothers. Sam decides he can help with that.


Jess sways slightly, humming along to whatever’s coming out of the speakers behind her. Her eyes are closed and her lips are just hardly smiling, and Sam doesn’t care that she’s completely gone on tequila, she looks so beautiful, so effortlessly content, that it’s kind of hard to focus on anything else.

“Jess,” Becky whines next to her, snapping both Sam and Jess back into the moment.

She turns to Becky and blinks a few times, completely lost. “Yes, darling? What can I do for you?”

“You can go, it’s your turn.” Becky giggles, like that’s the funniest thing she’s ever said. Sam kind of giggles, too. It’s one of those nights. “Truth or Dare?”

“Mmm,” Jess replies, smirking devilishly. “Dare, of course.”

Sam leans forward and grabs her wrist. “Jess, sweetie, don’t you think it’ll be fun to do a truth just this time?”

“What the gentleman is trying to say,” Jess replies, smiling brightly, “is that he does not think I am capable of standing up long enough to finish a dare without hurting myself.”

Sam bites his lip and gets a few sympathetic looks from around the circle.

Jess continues, “Well, Sam, you know what?”


“You are completely right this one time,” she admits before breaking into a peal of laughter that takes at least half a minute to die out.

Their friends wait through it indulgently, some breaking in, equally drunk, and Sam shakes his head.

He turns to Becky. “She’ll take truth. And go easy on her, all right?”

“Yeah, okay. I’ll ask one of the boring stock questions.” She pauses to think of one, then nods to indicate she’s found it. “Jess, baby, what’s your deepest, darkest sexual fantasy?”

“Come on, lesbian sex tape!” Brady says.

Sam rolls his eyes, but figures it’ll be something like that, something everybody wonders about, but only the daring few, people like Dean who know how to get everything they want, ever actually go through with.

“That might be nice,” Jess says, leaning her head on Becky’s shoulder.

Becky waggles her eyebrows at Sam. “Be careful I don’t take advantage of your girl, Sam.”

He laughs. “Not sure I want to stop you, to be honest.”

Jess gasps, sitting up and putting a hand over her heart in mock anguish.

“Sam, Truth or Dare?” Jess says.

Sam laughs at her. “It’s not my turn next-and you didn’t answer.”

“I didn’t?”

“No, unless Brady was right about it.”

“Brady’s never right about anything,” Angela says from across the circle. Her tone is aiming for playful, but everyone knows Angela not-so-secretly hates Brady, which makes the joke even funnier.

“Whoops, I thought I said it. I wanna fuck brothers.”

“That’s just mean,” someone says.

“No, not, like, cheat on them. I’m not that kind of girl,” Jess says. She smiles languidly and continues, as if she’s telling them she likes cheesecake or long walks on the beach, “I meant that I wanna fuck brothers at the same time. Watch them go at it, too. Fuck, that would be hot.”

Everyone in the room blinks around at each other, trying to decide if Jess really just told them what they think she did. Jess looks around, too, then brings a hand up to her mouth, realizing what she just said.

“I mean, I wouldn’t or anything-it’s just a fantasy!”

“Yeah, of course, sweetie,” Becky says, painfully obvious in her attempt not to look over at her own brother. “Why don’t we just move on to the next person?”

Jess nods, and Becky stays in control of the round as it passes to the guy sitting on Jess’s left, but Sam zones out even worse than before. He feels hot and flushed and a little like throwing up, even though he’s not that drunk.

He doesn’t look at Jess, doesn’t meet anyone’s eyes for that matter, and tries to stay quiet and sit back, as if that’ll make him invisible. They don’t know, can’t know, what’s going through his head. But if he looks at anyone, he’ll be convinced they’re seeing right into his memories.

Why did it have to be his girlfriend that said that?

“Truth or Dare, Sam?” Josh asks from Sam’s right.

Sam shakes the hair out of his eyes and wets his lips. “Actually, I think I should take the tequila princess home, don’t you guys?”

A few people boo, Brady calls him a chicken, but, for the most part, everyone at the party nods. Sam bends to help Jess up, and she spills into his arms like she has no bones, smiling a cocky smile that Sam really doesn’t want to think about right now. That smile is the reason Sam took the bait when Brady had introduced him to Jess. Dean used to smile at him like this.

Becky helps them to the door. “You gonna be okay with her? She needs more than one person to keep her up.”

Sam sweeps Jess into his arms and winks at Becky. “I think I’ve got her,” he assures.

Becky smiles, relieved. “Yeah, okay. Make fun of her for me when she’s dealing with that hangover tomorrow, all right?”

“Definitely.” Sam smiles as Jess places her head on his shoulder and curls her fingers in his shirt. “Thanks for having us, Becky.”

“Of course! You two take care,” Becky says, placing one hand on Jess’s face and directing the words at her.

Jess laughs. “Oh, he’ll take care of me,” she says. “I’m totally getting laid tonight.”

Sam is neither surprised nor terribly disappointed when Jess passes out on the walk home. It’s not a great night for sex. Sam has way too much to think about.


Sam wakes up to whining. He gets out of bed and follows the sounds of agony to the bathroom, where Jess seems to have made herself at home. She’s got a pillow propping her back up against the tub, her hair sitting directly on top of her head in a messy bun, and the toilet’s open, her face resting on the edge of the seat.

It’s not her finest moment, but Sam watches fondly, leaning against one side of the doorframe.

“Don’t say it,” she orders, voice raspy.

“I feel like your body is doing the lecturing for me.”

“You’re enjoying this. I could kill you, and I wouldn’t feel sorry, and when the cops ask, I would tell them I did it because you were enjoying this.”

“Now, now. I’m not enjoying anything. You passed out before we got to the fun part.”

Jess groans and sits up, heaving. Sam looks away, feeling like it might be disrespectful not to. Which is a pretty weird thought, he realizes too late.

“I can’t watch this, it’s too painful,” Sam says, only slightly exaggerating. “I’m gonna make you something greasy and delicious.”

“Oh God,” Jess gasps. “Fuck you, and then fuck you one more time,” she manages before she’s hanging onto the toilet for dear life again. Sam closes the door, giving her some privacy.

She practically limps her way to the table about half an hour later, wincing at every sound or light she passes on the journey across the room. Sam turns off the dining room light and sets a place for her in the mostly-dark room. She gives him a thankful look and sinks into her chair, putting a hand over her mouth as soon as she catches the scent of the eggs and bacon he made her.

“I know, babe,” he says, putting one arm on each of her shoulders and rubbing. “I know it smells awful, but you’re not gonna feel better until you’ve had something.”

She nods grudgingly and manages to swallow down everything on her plate before accepting three Advils and a glass of water. “I’m swearing off alcohol,” she says, cradling her head.

“Again?” Sam asks.

She laughs and rolls her eyes. “Oh look who’s talking, two weeks ago you were so drunk you swore you were some kind of ghost hunting Indiana Jones figure, and I got to sink under your heavy, staggering ass.”

Sam blushes and looks down at the table. “Yeah, well, you teased me the morning after and now it’s my turn.”

“Fair enough,” Jess says unhappily. “But I thought we’d decided you were going to be the good person in this relationship.”

“Let’s see…girlfriend who drags boyfriend home and brings him McDonald’s for breakfast, boyfriend who carries girlfriend home and makes her a loving, home-cooked breakfast.” Sam pauses, pretending to weigh both options before nodding at Jess. “Yup, I definitely still win.”

“Blow me,” Jess answers.

“Ladylike as always.” Sam smiles as he leans down to kiss her.

Mercifully, Jess tastes like she swallowed half a tube of toothpaste, and, despite her grousing, she kisses back warmly.

They stay home, have a lazy Sunday, figuring they’d gotten all the fun they could handle for the weekend out of Saturday night. Sam tries to focus on Jess, on the TNT movie reruns they spend the day watching, but it’s hopeless.

He can’t forget last night as easily as Jess has, wasn’t drunk enough. Sam’s pretty sure there isn’t enough alcohol in the world to forget what Jess said, the images it put in his head.

Sam tries so hard not to spend every waking moment missing his brother, was just starting to forget the way Dean used to moan his name, run his fingers down his body, kiss him like the world was going to end any moment. Dean, who Sam has missed like-there’s nothing to compare it to. A limb would be much easier to let go of, no part of Sam matters like Dean matters.

And now it’s all back with a vengeance, with something else that Sam shouldn’t imagine, because it’s too good. Sam will go crazy wanting it, never getting it.

Dean rolling into Jess the way Sam’s watched Dean fuck so many girls before, Jess begging for his brother like Sam has his whole life, Dean kissing Sam the same as before, and Jess liking it, watching with that dirty fascination she practically invented. And at the end of the day, falling asleep with the only thing he left behind to come here, still getting every perfect thing he’s been blessed with since.

Sam had never even had the itch to let himself think of something like that before. This is the real world, and the real world hurts. Sam learned that when he was a baby, the only thing that ever even pretended otherwise has been missing from his life for two years.

He doesn’t have to be, Sam tells himself.

His lips turn down.

“Sam, what’s wrong?” Jess is blinking up at him from where she’s resting her head on his thigh, looking concerned.

“What?” he asks. “No, nothing. Nothing. Just, uh, thinking. Thinking really hard.”

“Yeah, I can feel that,” she says, voice hot as she reaches forward, but Sam stops her. He’ll think about the wrong thing if she touches him now, Sam knows himself way too well.

“Stop, Jess, I,” he licks his lips, “not right now, okay?”

She frowns. “Why not? We’re having a nice, relaxing day at home, right? I can help you relax.”

Sam hasn’t felt this wound up and not relaxed since he quit hunting.

“Hey, Jess, how much of last night do you remember?”

“Most of it,” she says. “Unless I did something really embarrassing after we got home, or-don’t tell me I blacked out on sex.”

“No, you didn’t black out on sex. It’s just something you said at the party, forget I brought it up.”

Jess sits up, eyes wide. “Oh God, you hate me.”


“I disgust you! You won’t have sex with me, because I disgust you.”

“Jess, don’t be ridi-”

“Sam, haven’t you ever had a so-wrong-it’s-right thought pop into your head? That’s all that was. I never would have said it out loud if I hadn’t been so trashed, and I swear I’ve never done it. Never planned to actually do it.”

“No, I know. I know, Jess.”

“So why do you have to bring it up? It’s because it stuck with you, and now you’re forever going to secretly be judging me about it.”

“Trust me, I’m not judging you.”

“Of course you are, anyone would be. Fuck, I ruined my life.” She throws her hands up in the air.

Sam laughs and soothes them down. “Okay, breathe, babe. You didn’t ruin your life, and I’m not judging you. I just wanted to know if you meant it, that’s all.”

“Well, yeah, I meant it, but not in a way that it’ll ever-”

“Would you?”

“Would I what?”

“Would you fuck brothers?”

Jess shakes her head. “What kind of question is that?”

“A really good one.”

“Yeah, Sam, if I was single and I just so happened to have two brothers willing to do it, I guess. But I’m not, and if I were, it’s not like I’d put out an ad sayin-”

“I have a brother.”

“Sam, are you-I would never ask you to do that for me. I can’t believe you’d think I would-and what, you think your brother will just-”

“I’ve done it before,” Sam says, knowing he’ll regret it. “I’ve done it a lot.”

Jess blinks at him like she’s trying to process what he just said.

“It’s…look, Jess, we had a weird life, and I don’t have the energy to try to explain it, so either you’re going to really hate me after this, or you’ll be into it. But there it is. I never intended to tell you, but I miss him. And if we could…the thought of you two, the thought of all of us,” Sam shakes his head to clear it, “I’m never going to be able to stop thinking about that, and that’s something you deserve to know.”

Jess sits quietly, eyes trained on her hands. Finally she looks up at Sam, more sad than angry. “You’re not lying, are you?”

Sam bites his lip. “No.”

“Did he hurt you, Sam? Did he make you do that? Is that why you left-?”

“God, Jess, no, it’s not like that. I’m telling you this is what I want. I started it then, he just couldn’t help himself, and I have never regretted it. I don’t think I ever will. There’s a lot wrong with me, frankly this isn’t one of the things I worry about.”

“Jesus, but you-”

“Yes. I fucked my brother. A lot.”

Jess laughs a little, which surprises both of them. “I don’t think you realize how much there is in that sentence for me to get over, in all honesty I think I’m handling it pretty well.”

Sam reaches out for her, and she leans into the touch. “I thought, I don’t know. I wanted to give you your fantasy, if you’re serious about it.”

“Sam, I don’t even know your brother.”

“Trust me, you want to know my brother. You want to fuck my brother. He taught me everything I know. And, the things he could do to you, the things I’ve seen him do,” Sam wipes his mouth and leans closer to press his lips to Jess’s ear, “it’ll be the best fuck of your life, I promise.”

Jess looks a little dazed when Sam pulls away. “I cannot even believe I am having this conversation, but…what’s he look like?”

“He’s perfect,” Sam says, hand moving down Jess’s body, getting uncontrollably turned on just thinking of Dean. “I don’t know how else to say it. He’s so fucking beautiful.”

“I think, maybe, you’re exaggerating to get me on board,” she says, her breath heavier as Sam’s fingers push against her through her pajama pants.

“Wait until you see my big brother, Jess. You’ll owe me an apology.”

“Show me a picture.”

Sam freezes, all the fun slowly draining out of the moment. His lips thin as he replies, “I don’t have one. I thought it would be better if I tried to forget. I didn’t bring a picture when I left him, Jess. I would do anything for one.”

Jess sits up, kissing Sam softly. “Then I guess we’ll just have to get a picture while he’s here,” she says.

Sam lets out a long breath. “Are you-really? You’ll do it?”

“It was my nasty little fantasy, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember.”

“Your brother better be hot, Sam. I’m gonna be pissed if he gets here and he’s a troll.”

Sam smirks. “You’re gonna be on your knees thanking me when you see him.”

“Why wait ‘til then?” Jess asks, sliding off the couch and pushing Sam’s legs apart so she can crawl between them.

Sam sits back, relaxing into Jess’s mouth. One down, he thinks, one to go.


Dean doesn’t answer his call. It’s not exactly new. Sam calls him every month, leaves a message letting him know things are okay. Dean never returns the courtesy. He hasn’t talked to Sam since they had drunken phone sex Sam’s freshman year, and Dean called back the next day, apologizing for it, promising he would stop ruining Sam’s chance at being normal.

Sam doesn’t even know if Dean listens to his messages for sure, but would be willing to bet anything that every message he’s left in the last year is saved in Dean’s voicemail box, listened to so many times they’re memorized.

Sam takes a chance, waits for the familiar voicemail message to run its course until the beep signals that he should start talking.

“Hey, Dean, it’s me. I, uh, I know I just called last week, but…okay, so, I’ve got this girlfriend. Her name is Jess. You’d really love her. She’s gorgeous and she’s…well, she’s not afraid to ask for what she wants. And, um. God, I wish you’d answer your phone. This is so awkward on voicemail. Basically, she wants to fuck brothers, Dean, and I thought maybe you could give me a hand with that. Just…you know, unless, if you don’t want to or if you’re bus-”

The machine cuts him off then, which is probably a mercy, because the message was rambly and embarrassing enough as is. Sam shuts his phone and takes a deep breath.

There’s nothing left but to wait and see what Dean decides.


Aside from weird dreams every now and then and a few filthy conversations Jess and Sam have in bed, Sam’s mostly given up on Dean. He never called back, he never gave any indication that he’d listened to the message or considered it.

And then one day Sam opens the door and finds his brother standing on the doorstep.

“Dean?” Sam says, out of breath. He doesn’t wait to see what Dean will do, just rushes forward and gathers his brother into his arms.

For once, Dean lets him-doesn’t fight, doesn’t whine, holds Sam just as tight. Whatever else happens, Sam is pretty sure it’ll be worth it just for this. He buries his face in his brother’s neck and breathes deep, nearly crying out with joy when his brother smells exactly the way he remembered. “Dean,” he repeats.

Dean is the first one to pull out of the embrace, of course. He looks Sam up and down like he used to when they’d come home from hunts and he was making sure Sam wasn’t hiding any cuts or bruises. “Hey, Sammy,” he says, voice a little thin.

Sam presses his lips to Dean’s; Dean puts a hand on his chest as if to push him away, ends up using it to pull him closer, hand bunched in his shirt, the other cupping his face. They kiss for a long time before they hear a throat clear from the other side of the room.

Sam pulls away and faces Jess. “Uh, right. Introductions. That’s important.”

“A little,” Jess says.

“Jess, this is my brother, Dean. Dean, my girlfriend, Jess.”

Dean and Jess stand at opposite ends of the room, eyes assessing each other. Sam doesn’t know if it’s a trick his mind is playing on him, but he thinks they both break into grins at the exact same moment.

“Jesus, Sam,” Jess says, almost giddy. “You weren’t fucking kidding, were you?”

“What’s a girl like you doing wasting your time with a nerd like my little brother?”

Sam glares, but Jess smiles. “Would you believe me if I told you he’s actually one of the least nerdy guys at this school?”

Dean makes a face of mock horror, stepping towards her. “You poor thing.”

The tone between them is playful, comfortable, as if they’ve been doing this for a long time. Sam had always thought they’d get along, but this is better than expected.

Dean’s eye dart back to Sam, and he smiles warmly before shaking his head. “I gotta say, Sammy, I kinda thought you were pulling my dick with that message. Just trying to get me to show up.”

“So why’d you come then?” Sam asks.

Dean frowns. Sam knows Dean was worried about him, wanted to make sure there wasn’t anything going on to make him that desperate to get Dean’s attention, but Dean shrugs and forces a smile onto his face. “Well, on the off chance…” He turns back to Jess and lets his leer finish the sentence for him.

They stand uncomfortably for a few seconds, seeming to have lost the easy flow when Dean reminded them exactly what he’s here for.

How the hell do you start something like this, anyway? Sam wonders.

Jess sweeps in to save them from the growing awkwardness. “I’ll get the vodka,” she says.

Dean and Sam laugh, and Sam ushers his brother into his living room. Pretty soon the three of them are sitting on the floor, facing each other, shot glasses and a few bottles between them.

“You know you’re too young to have this much alcohol in your room, right, Sammy?” Dean teases, glancing over the labels.

“Good one, Dean,” Sam replies.

He reaches out for a glass; both Dean and Jess follow his lead and they all down them and look at each other. Jess smiles wide, pouring another round. They do it a few more times, and then Sam stops her as she begins to pour. He doesn’t want this to be a drunken mess they don’t remember-or don’t want to remember-come morning. Jess’s eyes go dark when she meets his, it’s obvious she understands what he’s doing and is just fine with it.

“Hey, what gives?” Dean asks. “A few more aren’t gonna kill us.”

Jess crawls towards him, obvious in her attempt at distraction, but successful nonetheless. Dean’s eyes move down, Sam knows how her tits hang out of that shirt, knows how good she looks from where Dean’s sitting. He watches her, black panties peeking out from the bottom of her skirt with every movement, and gets hard when she straddles his brother, grinding down on him as she sits.

Her face draws close to Dean and he closes his eyes, anticipating a kiss. Jess lets the alcohol take over then, mirroring Dean’s smirk and speaking in a slow, unbelievably sexy drawl, “Honey, do you love me, can you give me a smile?”

Dean’s hands automatically find a place on the back of her hips, and he moves them slowly, pushing her skirt up, letting Sam see everything as she begins to work herself on his lap. He smiles, obviously not familiar with the game, and Jess laughs.

“That means you lost,” she murmurs against his mouth.

Dean doesn’t really mourn it, just fists his hands in her hair and thrusts up against her.

Sam moves towards them slowly. He grabs the bottom of her shirt and pulls it up, forcing Jess to break the kiss just long enough to slip it over her head. Sam watches Dean’s expression as his eyes stop on her chest, and he slides up behind Jess, legs on either side of Dean’s.

He slips one hand in under her bra, and Jess moans against Dean’s mouth. “Fuck, so good,” she says, pulling out of the kiss. Sam’s face ducks down, pressing into her neck, wide-open and hungry, licking and biting as his fingers flick over her nipples.

His brother is panting under her, still trying to get relief from their grinding, despite all the clothing between them. Sam’s hand moves away from her and he looks down as he unhooks her bra, exposing her for Dean.

Dean, never one to pass something like that up, has his hands on her in seconds, and Sam doesn’t kiss Jess, just so he can hear the way his brother is making her moan.

“Stop,” she finally says.

Sam and Dean lock eyes, equally confused, and Sam thinks he’ll die if she’s having second thoughts.

“Everybody up. We’re doing this in bed, naked, not like little kids in high school.”

“Marry me?” Dean says.

Jess laughs as she sits up and takes his hand, tugging him towards their bedroom like Dean is some new toy she can’t wait to play with.

She strips her skirt and her panties off in one motion and hops right into bed, eyes moving between Sam and Dean. They look at each other, then back at her.

“I really want to see you…I mean, if you feel comfortable…” Jess says.

Sam checks with Dean, who practically attacks and drags him towards the foot of the bed. They help each other get undressed, lips only separating when it’s necessary, two sets of eyes occasionally moving to the bed, where Jess is spread eagle, fingers fucking into herself, putting on a show for them as they do the same for her.

Dean’s mouth moves over Sam’s jaw, down to his throat and neck, and Sam is pretty sure he’s planning to sink to his knees and suck him off, so he stops him.

“Sammy?” Dean asks. “Don’t want it anymore?”

Sam laughs at the suggestion. “Always want you,” he promises.

Dean smiles and tries again, but Sam doesn’t let him. Dean makes the whiniest sound Sam thinks he’s ever heard from his brother.

“Wanna fuck you, Dean. Miss that so much.”

Dean stops pouting immediately, pulls Sam in for a sloppy kiss.

“Wanna do it while you fuck her.”

“Fuck, Sam,” Jess says.

Dean just whispers, “Sammy,” and kisses him again. Sam takes hold of his brother and turns him, pushing him onto the bed and wasting no time hurrying in after him.

Dean watches as he approaches, but Sam doesn’t get close enough to kiss him. Instead, he sits back on Dean’s knees and smiles at his girlfriend.

“Open him up for me?”

Jess rolls over, digging into the nightstand drawer, and pulling out condoms and lube. She drips some onto her fingers and draws her body against Dean’s, one leg thrown over him. Sam’s mouth waters thinking of her wet cunt rubbing against his brother’s thigh, and Dean closes his eyes, savoring the feel.

Jess moves over his skin, learning it, focusing on the way Dean responds as she touches him. Then she slides two fingers into him and begins to stretch him, obviously eager to get on with things. She makes quick work of it, pulling away and falling onto her back once she thinks he’s ready for Sam. Dean moves the way a hunter should, is on top of her in the blink of an eye.

He reaches a hand back, and Sam places one of the condoms into his brother’s palm, opening the other and getting himself ready. Dean waits for his signal to move into Jess, slowly until he’s all the way inside of her. Jess’s head falls back against her pillow.

Dean stays still until Sam has the head of his dick resting against his hole, and then Dean pulls out of Jess, fucking himself on Sam’s cock. Sam is caught off guard, loses control and slips down, pushing Dean back into his girlfriend. All three of them cry out then, and Dean begins to move desperately between them, trying to find a balance between getting fucked and fucking.

Sam thrusts hard every now and then, loving that Jess and Dean both respond to it, that he’s controlling himself and Dean in one go. Dean’s hands find Jess’s breasts and he begins to massage her as Sam fucks them both.

Jess lies there, taking it, nothing but indecipherable cries of approval and the occasional attempt to push Sam deeper into Dean so Dean will respond in kind. Sam’s never been so thankful for her long legs than he is now, when they’re wrapped around him and his brother, feet trying to gain purchase on his back.

She wasn’t lying about thinking this was hot, comes pretty quickly. Sam and Dean keep going, and he’s not really surprised that she comes again before Dean is groaning both of their names, body going limp on top of her.

Jess holds him down for Sam, makes sure he can go to town on his brother, working himself to his own climax. Dean doesn’t pull out of Jess until Sam’s done, fallen onto the empty side of the bed, and turned to look at them. He kisses Jess one last time as his dicks slides out, and Jess whimpers as soon as she empty, like she misses him already. Sam knows the feeling.

They’re too tired to talk about it, or clean up, or figure out what’s happening. Sam falls asleep between them.


He wakes up a few hours later, pretends to be asleep as he watches Dean’s shadow move across the moonlight filtering through the window. Dean leaves the room, closing the door behind him, and Sam immediately gets out of bed and follows him.

“So that’s it, then?” Sam asks when Dean’s hand reaches out for the doorknob. Dean freezes.


“You’re just gonna leave. Go back to not letting me know how you are, or if you’re alive. Just gonna pretend this never happened.”

Dean turns to face him, face flushing when he sees that Sam didn’t bother getting dressed. “We had a good day, Sam. It’s something.”

“We could have a lot of good days, Dean.”

“Don’t be a kid about this, okay? We both knew what this was when I got here.”

“But I wanted it to be more. I still want it to be.”

“You’re happy here, you won’t be if I don’t leave.” He looks down. “You were never happy with me, not really.”

“I’m happy here now, because you’re here. I’m never really happy without you, either.”

“You’ve got Jess,” Dean says. “She’s a handful. Don’t need anyone else distracting you, she’s more than distracting enough.”

“She’s definitely a handful. I could use some help with her,” says Sam, voice insinuating.

“Sammy, don’t make this harder for me.”

“I know the score, Dean,” Sam says, moving to the center of the room and sitting on the back of the couch. “I’m not asking you to stay here and live with us. You’d be bored out of your skull. Jess and I spend most of the week out at classes, and I know you need to hunt.”

“Great. Then let’s be adults and-”

“But you don’t have to leave, either. Not forever. You can go on your hunts and…you’ll always have a home to return to here, Dean. Whenever you come for us, we’ll have room for you.”

“Sam, I’m not gonna barge in and expect you to-”

“You could call and give me a heads up next time. You do know how to use your phone, right?”

Dean shakes his head. “I don’t know about-”

“You two’re louder than a catfight,” Jess says groggily, walking past Sam. She heads for the kitchen, wearing one of Sam’s shirts, and comes back out a few seconds later with a glass of water. “Will everyone please go back to bed so I can get my beauty sleep?”

“I’m leav-”

“Oh, shut up, Dean,” Jess says, rolling her eyes at him.

She walks back towards the room, and Sam turns to follow her with his eyes, his lips twitching slightly. The tense atmosphere between Sam and Dean has dissolved, and Dean sets his bag down. “She always that friendly when she’s tired?”

“Worse, usually,” Sam says. “You get used to it.”

Dean looks towards the door one last time, then shrugs. “I guess I’ll have to.”


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