Title: Of Naps and Detentions
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape, Hermione Granger
Genre: Gen.
Rating: G
Word Count: 796
Author’s Note:
I know you like Snape/Granger and I could not write that, but hopefully this will hit close enough to home! :oD
Summary: Hermione Granger gets her first detention.
There were days when Severus Snape did not hate being a professor. These days never seemed to coincide with the days he had to teach those insufferable Gryffindor third years.
He heard an explosion from the right side of the room and knew without having to interrupt his scowling what was responsible.
“What did you break and who did you injure, Longbottom?”
“It…it…wa…wasn’t me, professor,” Neville responded, the fear of God in him just from being addressed by Snape.
“Oh, then, who was it?” he looked up to see a very red Ron Weasley standing next to that insufferable braggart Harry Potter.
“What did you do, Weasley?”
The boy swallowed nervously and threw his friend an unsteady look, Harry tried to look reassuring and failed almost as much as he had at his first two attempts at making this potion.
“I, umm, I think I put in the griffin claw too soon. I wasn’t properly keeping time, I guess.”
“You guess you weren’t properly paying attention? No doubt Potter is responsible for this. I guess you’ll be failing this assignment. Next time, I guess you won’t be so easily distracted. Ten points from Gryffindor for your ineptitude, Weasley. And fifteen for your poor influence, Potter.”
Harry looked as though he wanted to protest but he didn’t. Snape smiled superiorly-it was times like these he was glad he bore so much resemblance to his father.
“I’m surprised their little know-it-all didn’t prevent that blunder,” Snape thought suddenly realizing just how absurd that really was. Hermione Granger had finished and turned in her potion thirty minutes ago in her usual obnoxious style. Snape had been forced to grit his teeth and admit the potion had gone off without a hitch. Usually she spent the rest of class time protecting her idiot friends from burning the classroom down or badgering him for some new reading material as she had felt it necessary to finish all the reading assignments for the year over the summer.
So where in the name of Merlin was she now?
His lips curled into a wicked grimace as he spotted the giant ball of curly hair drooping over the edge of one of the desks nearest to the two boys. He couldn’t believe his luck. Hermione Granger. Sleeping in class. In his class! Of all the possible classes! For a while he was too busy savoring the beauty of it to act on it.
“Miss Granger,” he said loudly right over her sleeping form. She shot up so quickly her head nearly collided with his. “Did you hear anywhere in my instructions on this assignment that you should take a nap in the middle of my class?”
She turned bright red and looked more ashamed then he could remember ever seeing anyone else look in his entire life. Deep inside him, something rejoiced at her discomfort.
“Professor! I! I don’t even know how it happened I just-“
“I don’t care, Granger, save your excuses for one of the professors who buy your pet routine. You will be failing this assignment-“
“But she’d already turned it in!” Ron protested.
“Five points, Mr. Weasley. Care to make it another ten?”
Ron shut his mouth reluctantly and shook his head.
“Where was I? You have failed this assignment, you have lost your house twenty five points, and I will be seeing you in detention on Wednesday.”
Her mouth dropped open.
“Deten-“ she choked on the word, her eyes watering pathetically. Snape had to exercise every bit of self control he had not to laugh in her face.
“Detention, Mrs. Granger. Ask your friends what it means; they’re quite intimate with the concept by now.”
“But professor, I was up very late last night and it was just this once-I’ve never, ever had det--! I can’t possibly!”
“Oh, but you can. And you will. That will be all from you, I don’t care how late you were up helping Potter and Weasley cook up mischief. Class dismissed.”
The students filed out. Hermione walked out with them, her head hanging miserably.
“It’s not so bad, Hermione!” Harry said trying to cheer her up. Other Gryffindors came up and tried to be supportive, they couldn’t exactly begrudge her twenty five points considering how many points she brought in a week just from knowing everything and they couldn’t help feeling bad for her.
Snape watched them leave with a strange glee. He sat in the empty classroom congratulating himself on his brilliant luck. It had been a war he was beginning to fear he would lose. But he had done it! He had given Hermione Granger her first detention! And for the first time, he loved being a professor because of those insufferable third year Gryffindors.