Title: Art for
Did All the Thunder Bend by
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: G
Type: Digital Art
Author’s Note: Art for
Did All the Thunder Bend by
lovetheirloves for the 2023 round of
spn_j2_bigbang. I really swooped in and claimed this awesome story that has such a sneaky way of creeping up on you with its sweet brother moments and twists! Rav was really lovely to work with and I just wish I had the talent to do some in-depth scene illustrations for this one. I recommend you check it out!!
Summary: Dean wakes twelve-year-old Sam in the night to flee after “something bad” happens to John. They settle in a small, snowy town in Maine, where they start building some semblance of a normal life together (or as normal a life as you can live when you’re playing house with your brother). When John’s vengeful spirit begins haunting Sam’s dreams and the Impala, the truth about the circumstances surrounding his death must come out. Will that truth ruin everything when Sam realizes their happy partnership is predicated on a lie?
I knew right away that I wanted to spotlight the setting of this story in the art. It's such a special version of life for the brothers and evoked such clear pictures in my mind. Obviously I wanted to get the boys in there at their story ages being all fond of each other, because that's another thing I really loved about the story. I chose the font to try to sort of capture the wispy, wandering vibe of their life before they settle down, sort of like lines on a map? Not sure if that reads, but I liked how it looked, too. XD That is all I will say for now, but perhaps you will look at this after reading the story and go "AHA!" and think, "How clever Cherie is." I am choosing to believe you will.