Sep 30, 2008 17:47
okay after all of those ~drama~ antics, i actually have a somewhat interesting post.
i went to take my permit test today and failed, then took it again right after and passed! :D
oh yeah and on the way home a bunch of people were outside of mercy hospital with cameras and were praying so me and my dad went and looked. it was in a window. it looked at first like a puddly thing on a window with all different colors you see after the rain, but then i realized it was a person. and there was nothing it could reflect off of and it wasn't sunny or anything. it was actually in the shape of a saint. it was kind of unbelievable. i of course didn't have my camera and my cell phone picture was a peice of shit. it was an apparition/vision or something and it was cool and i called my gramma and told her about it. lol and she was like ~it's a miracleeee~