Mar 24, 2009 01:05
This is lightbird writing, and as I'm leaving first, the duty to post the first entry also falls to me, and I shall do it even when fighting sleepiness due to late-time restrictions.
So, Bremen. Currently I know extremely little about it but I promise to improve very, very soon. My accommodation is settled in Oestliche Vorstadt, 7kms from the airport by car, but I'll figure out how am I getting there with public transport in the morning. I am both excited and nervous, because I haven't made any contact with the landlady yet, although the University Accommodation Team wrote that she'll be informed about the day of my arrival. We'll see - I'll either turn out brave, or brave and stupid.
Packing has gone smooth so far - I won't exaggerate on the clothes I'm taking with me. As for private things, minus the laptop, mobile phone and camera I decided on 2 books - 1) the Mullarney et. al. bird guide (English edition given out by Collins), I have no idea why, but I'd feel lost without it with me, 2) Do You Want To Speak Even Better Czech? - a continuation to a Czech language textbook, which was a gift from a close friend of mine. I've been slacking on Czech lately, despite the fact that I truly enjoy the language. No study textbooks, at least not printed ones - hail internet resources!
Also, decided to take some of my art tools - markers and watercolour, and got a whole set of water soluble pencils, which ended in the longest paycheck in my life. And a gift from my classmate - a shell of the endangered Freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera, which she had found already dead... somewhere, because the people who know about the sources in Latvia for the live mussel are restricted to share them - to the extent of being sued if having broken the law. For some reason I'm feeling very sentimental and will consider this a precious gift.
What else? I've carried out many farewells with my friends in Latvia and have received countless good wishes for the stay - makes me even believe in myself a bit, doesn't it? :)
OK, end of this. I seriousy need some sleep because there are arising difficulties with my ability to build up a reasonable sentence. I'll try to get back to this once I've settled in Bremen - hopefully that will happen :-B.
Full of big expectations and slight anxiety,