Dec 03, 2012 13:56
Nobody can be perfect. Lately I've felt that truth more and more as the family in my life start to feel hurt or forgotten by me and my selfishness.
I didn't follow up with my brother about my car mostly because I felt guilty and ridiculous for purchasing it and missing family pictures with my foster family. I was so happy that I made such a huge step in my life yet so dragged down by a choice that could have been made after the said pictures were taken.
There's now guilt associated with driving my shiny new vehicle and its quite depressing.
With my new found job I've found that time is slowly escaping me. I no longer have all the time in the world to spend with everyone. I can only allocate so much of it to here and there before I have to go to bed so not tired the next day.
Its a sad part of growing up but I do welcome it. It beats working twice as hard at a retail job and getting paid half as much. So I'm thankful that I've found a career that I'll really enjoy. I just have to hold onto that inner voice that keeps me sane and communicates my inner weaknesses. After all I love words just as much as Aaron loves art and wants to pursue it.