If you have little brothers and sisters in school, then you definitely care about this, as I do.
The gist: Apparently the so-called "No Child Left Behind" act had a sneaky little clause in it mandating that schools turn over students personal info to military recruiters. But there is a way to opt your child out.
Full information here:
http://www.leavemychildalone.org To anyone like me who has young siblings, I don't need to say anything more. Call your parents... email them... whatever. They need to get this done. Please spread the word to anyone you know who has children in school. Surely they will want to know about this. I'm afraid that military recruiters will say anything they can to get new recruits at this point -- lets not let our loved ones fall prey to that.
EDIT: I just found that you can also sign a petition to have the faulty legislation ammended. Here's an excerpt of the petition:
Where children are concerned, it's time to make it a family decision (not a federal mandate) to release our home phone numbers and home addresses to military recruiters.
The petition can be signed at: