Dec 09, 2005 11:12
Well, finally able to get around to updating this stupid thing <3. Nothings really been going on. Well alot has, but nothing really duely ment to note. I've been working meh bum off at work. This last week I pulled 35 hours. 35!!!! ITS A LOT! I've also had my nose stuck in a REAL book. (( Did I mention its an ACTUAL book and not a MANGA or a MANGA-TRANS-BOOK!)) @.@ Its amazing. And damn good. I love it so far. I haven't been able to keep meh nose out of it since I finally got around to picking it up. Although I did get it the night Alyssa and Jen where over at meh house..
I've heard that some people are angry at me. You know who you are, and I'd like to just say, that if that is so the case, then at least tell me exactly why you are angry at me. I will try to fix it. But if its not ment to, all I have to say is like I said to one of my friends when they decided they never wanted to talk to me again... 'If thats how its going to be then its going to be your loss'. I can't help it if people sometimes get put off by me. And I do know I sometimes forget who my real friends are. I'm sometimes flakey like that. I know I am. I become obsessed with someone, be it of a sexual likeing, or a personality likeing. Its very rare for me to completly sink my teeth into one person and keep them forever. I don't like having people angry at me. I really don't. Never have, never will. I go out of my way to make sure that no one is really unhappy with me, albeit sometimes it backfires and gets another person angry more at me than before. But if someone wants to break off a good friendship; a very loyal, although rarely expressed; then that is you're problem. I don't mean to sound such a catty bitch right now, but sometimes its needed to be said. I have several personality flaws. And I hate them when I can tell. ANyone would when they see it. But if you choose to stay angry, then if it makes you happy. If not talking to me makes your life alittle better, than it will be so. This will be the only time I shall address this issue. And until you say that all is forgiven, I will remain a friend in my heart but able to work with you. I've learned that this is the best way to deal with these kinds of situations. I'm sorry you were angered by something so small.
In other news... um.... Its cold? Like uber. I'm wearing my Jareth shirt! <3 At again I am filled with the warmth of wearing all black at school... its... reffreshing? I'm tempted to use my old Marleen. <3 I dunno if anyone knows that the name of my duster... Marleen. *shrugs*
Oh yeah, I got a car finally! <3 YAY! She's a running piece of shit, but she is rather loveable (minus the smell.... *shubbers*) espically since she's got alot of personality. Albeit alittle odd and flakey and smells pungently like melons and old heaters.... <3 It reminds me of that book, Memoirs of a Geisha (the book I am obsessing over with, bear with me)when Granny is killed by a heater... most disturbing and disgusting <3 Ahh...
I'm waiting for Lady Jaida's update on the Shoebox Project... and for the next chapter of the two FMA stories I'm reading.... As well as the FABULOUS GUILTYRED!!!! *dies violently; and like a pheonix, rises from her dead coocoon renewed...* ^_^ Much love and glory to you!
X-mas is coming up. Today is X-mas shopping, wooo!! I'm part of two secret santas right now <*waves goodbye to her hard earned money... sniff*> Its gonna be an expensive year.............
All well. All those who get a gift deserve said gift. <3333333333333333
WELLLLLLLL!!!! Back to a book!