Mar 11, 2006 00:56
I really have grown a dislike for people that feel the need to show off their level of intelligence incessantly. [Except the stupid people... I beg they show it 24/7 for our amusement.] No, I'm speaking of the people that are smart. Such as myself. <3. Only they like to display it regularly... like a badge of honor, or for some kind of social validation... well, it's getting more disgusting as time drips away. Really. I'm a smart bastard (and obviously modest), but I do not feel the need to blatantly stab people in the face with it to feel better about myself. If a discussion happens to come up in which I feel it necessary, I will let it shine... but in most situations or encounters, I really feel it quite pointless. Unless, of course, I'm going for the laugh. I do have a great way of letting people know I'm brilliant (typically by saying it), while still able to make people smile and laugh (while letting them understand it's the goddamned truth. <3) See, admit it, you smiled. So why do people have to thrust their intelligence down the throats of others? Sure, physics, you understand the basic principles... why do we need to know? Why do I need to know? Were we talking about Hawking? If so, that's acceptable... but if we are talking about cheesecake and you feel the need to bust out some string-theory conversation, I feel it is acceptable that I bust out my boot upon your face.
I would equate it with the heterosexual male that is scared to joke about being gay. Really. God-forbid the smart, intelligencio of our species act anything but the part, eh? Meh, fuck off and grow the hell up. You will find the ability to relate to a helluva lot more people if you stop playing your given role in society for just a bit. Fitty knows. C'mon, unbutton your pants jus'a lil' bit. Honey. Jus'a lil' bit.
I believe it also has to do with careers and the daily tasks people present themselves with. What do you do everyday? How do you interact with others? Step outside yourself and observe your actions and inaction's. I'd probably make an awesome PR person because I do tend to relate to everyone quite well... but it has nothing to do with personality-type, age, education, or horoscopes and star alignments... no, it's just about communication; knowing when to say something and exactly how to say it, without being fake... you have to be honest, and say what needs to be said in a way that it needs to be heard by the individual, or individuals, you are speaking to. Everyone communicates differently. Fuck psychology, this is common sense.
When you speak to me in person you'll notice long pauses... mostly in the middle of sentences. I think I do this for several reasons. One is that I'm always the observer and, subconsciously, I'm working through the best means to speak to the person I'm speaking to. Another is that most people like to jump in on a pause and finish my sentence for me. This used to be frustrating, but now I recognize it as an opportunity to further understand the person, or persons, that I'm speaking to. It's not intentional, but it does work out quite well for resolving situations [read: drama] as well as, again subconsciously, drilling your way into a persons head... figuring out exactly who it is you are communicating with. How another person finishes your own thought... well, it speaks volumes.
Why am I writing this? Well, because I'd like all of us to be better communicators. Both written and spoken. But I don't want us to be elitist assholes either. There is a very fine line between the two, and discovering that is the holy grail of communication.
Foreign relations between the US and the rest of the world today are wonderful, yes? No. We speak a lot, and we don't do a lot of listening... if any at all. This is also analogous to an intelligencio (or one whom believes himself as such) speaking about string-theory over the wonderful conversation about the density and subtle sacredness of cheesecake, and it's just sad. And maddening. Hence my frustration at those individuals that are doing this in day to day, typical, common, social conversation.
Now speak.