'Everything's Magic' chapter 1/?

Jan 20, 2008 19:04

Chapter 1:

‘Seize the Day’

Author: infamous_gmo

POV: ?

Rating: PG

Pairing: Eventual Pete/Ryan, seemingly Pete/Bert for short time, Pete/Ashlee for ever shorter time xD.

Summary: pete loves bert but bert doesn't feel the same...they have a rollercoaster relationship but pete can't help but love him till he starts to realise bert's not the only other person on the planet, infact the person who wants nothing more than to be with him and love him like he deserves is right under his very nose. It's takes a long time to get there with lots of highs and lows but eventually pete gets happiness and true love.

Disclaimer: Haha not mine, the title belongs to Angels and Airwaves, the title of chapter one belongs to Avenged Sevenfold.

Author Notes: I hope you all fall in love with it and want more, coz if I get the commentage I'll be more than happy to keep writing!!! Before anyone asks, no Brian and Zacky aren't dating in this fic.

Dedications:  Trick AKA Jackie <3 She's helping me out with this.  
Also my darling Shaun <3 who I couldn't have got through all the hard times without.

Hey Trick, J wotcha doin on Saturday??? Wana go to Brian’s party? : P could be fun?

Pete wrote, delicately folding his quickly scrawled note to his best friend Patrick, and looking around before slipping it to the girl sitting behind him.

“Make sure it gets to Patrick, k?” Pete whispered to Ashlee, the blonde that he’d always found somewhat attractive but chose to not do anything about it, deciding girls weren’t really worth his trouble.

Recently there seemed to be more...guys who were taking his fancy, for example the lean, lightly tanned Brian, who sat beside him in English and had just invited him to his house party, whilst his ‘folks’ were out of town. Pete was also having a small problem concerning his good friend Bert, which he needed to discuss with his most trustworthy friend, Patrick, or as Pete liked to call him ‘Trick’.

Pete sat staring at the clock willing the time to go faster or for his dreaded English teacher Mr Leto to disappear. Normally the class didn’t mind their teacher but today something seemed to have pissed him off and now they were all working in a painful silence. He felt a small tugging on his shoulder, and turned his head slightly to see Ashlee shoving a small piece of paper at him.

“Thanks.” Pete whispered, flashing her one of his most winning smiles, all white toothed and sparkly eyed. This made her blush violently but by this time Pete had already swung back around and buried his head in the newly received note.

It read:

Sure Tink, I’d love to Brian’s cool J you said you wanted to talk about something, but you didn’t finish, wana---

Pete was cut off from his reading as the loud bell rang, commencing freedom, it was the end of the day. “At last...” Pete thought to himself letting out a deep sigh of relief “I better talk to Trick now.” Pete gulped, before spotting Patrick waving and grinning at him, “COME ON PETE!” Patrick shouted over, causing Pete to jump and run over quickly.

“You said you wanted to talk, remember?” Patrick asked.

“Oh yeah, come on lets head back to the dorms Trick, we’ll talk there. Too many ears here...” Pete said muttering the last part.


“So, what’s up Tink?” Patrick said grinning at Pete from his bed, whilst fiddling with his phone.

“Trick, put the phone down for a sec, please.” Pete said quite sternly

“Umm, ok...Is everything ok Tink?”

“Well, ummm, how do I put this? You know Bert...Of course you know Bert, silly question. I, I think, maybe, just maybe I’m starting to...like him, quite a lot” Pete finished, with a small breath of relief after the difficulty of saying such a sentence aloud.

“Jeez Pete, you had me thinking it was something serious...It’s only Bert, I’m sure it’ll blow over Tink, he’s a close friend of yours, real close. Don’t worry yourself too much.” Patrick replied slipping quietly over to Pete’s bed, where Pete was currently sitting hunched over, legs crossed, with his head in his hands, he looked up.

“Yeah, I am worrying, I’m worrying constantly Patrick! I think about him...so so much and I just don’t know what to do! It’s like yeah, I’ll admit I think loads of guys are attractive like, Brian, he’s so fit! But I don’t think about him, like I do Bert.”

“Whenever we’re hanging out I feel so possessive over him, you must’ve noticed! And I feel like I’m on a high when I’m near him, I just get such a rush. He’s such a, such a...in the weirdest way, a beautiful person Trick. I mean he’s so fascinating...His tattoos, I could just stare at those all freaking day, tracing them with my fingers each and every line and bit of colour carefully inked into that skin...” Pete trailed off staring into space.

Patrick had never seen Pete like this, it was as if the Pete he knew had been transported to an alternate universe and sent back as some little loved up puppy dog.

“Well...I don’t know what to say Tink...I’m not so great with this kind of thing, you know me, and I just drift along bypassing all the interesting affects of rushing teenage hormones. I know you two are close, and yeah you’re attached to each other most of the time, it’s kind of cute actually.” Patrick chuckled.

Pete glared mockingly before tossing a cushion in Patrick’s face.

“Damn you Stump! Why oh why can’t I be like you? You don’t fall for girls...or guys like I do! GAH!” Pete exclaimed in frustration.

At this, Pete slopped onto his back with a cushion covering his bright red face. Patrick sit at the end of the bed chuckling to himself for a fair while, before Pete suddenly bolted up, springing into action off of the bed.

“How about we head call out for some pizza Trick? Grab the guys, Gerard, Frankie and like Brian, Zack, and Bert or something? Get a couple of drinks and sit in the common room and hang. What do you say Trick?”

“Yeah that sounds great Tink!” Patrick grinned and slapped a hand on Pete back, “I’m glad you’ve got your little buzz back, it weird’s me out when you act serious.”

“Ahem, I can be serious sometimes you know, I guess it’s that little emo inside of me trying to break out.” Pete replied before bursting out of the room and leaving an amused and bemused Patrick in his wake.

“I guess he’s gone to Bert and Jeph’s room then...” Patrick said quietly to himself “Oh I hope he doesn’t do anything silly...Bert’s not good news...”


“Hiiiiiiiii!!!” Pete exclaimed exploding into the dorm room of Bert and Jeph. “Wana order some PIZZA?!” Pete giggled pouncing onto Bert’s bed curling up to him, whilst Jeph just sat looking slightly amused by Pete’s display of affection as he planted a sloppy kiss on Bert’s cheek.

“Yeah sure, that sounds great Loupe!” This was the very odd name Bert had come up with for Pete after having discovered one of Pete’s many middle names was Louis. For a little while (a few minutes...) it had gotten on Pete nerves, but just like everything else Bert said or did, he was okay with it.

“What about you Jeph? Wana come hang with us?” Pete asked grinning as Bert cuddled him.

“Err no thanks, I’m gona go find my chick and like...get high...” Jeph was high most of the time, Bert dabbled but not often, and Pete well he didn’t touch the stuff.

Bert and Pete had only been friends a few months since Pete had met the older, very affectionate Bert McCracken. Bert was only a mere year older than the 18 year old Pete, but he seemed like he was so much older, he’d been through a lot, and Pete admired him for his strength when things got hard. But Pete had come to admire more than Bert’s strength, he thought about him a lot more than he’d ever done about anyone, even when he had his crush on Brian it’d not been this much. Bert wasn’t the most gorgeous man in the world but, he was a beautiful person, he had a good soul.

“Hi guys!” Patrick said slipping into the room quietly and almost unnoticed to the cuddling couple of Pete and Bert.

“Ewo Triiick!!!” Pete said grinning at his best friend broadly, this made Patrick laugh, which just earned him an odd look from Jeph and not much from Bert who was too busy listening to Pete rant about the plans of the evening.

“...Yes so I’m gona go get Gee and Frank, and Brian oooh, and Zack too! It’ll be really fun!!!” Pete said animatedly.

“That sounds just great Loupe, you be a good boy and go do that then” Bert said absentmindedly stroking Pete’s hair.

By now Jeph was close to gagging at his roommate and his friend’s overt displays of affection. “I’m going out, don’t wait up Bert...” Jeph muttered.

“...you two should just go out, it’s so totally obvious you guys like each other.” He yawned and left the room with silence.

“Err, come on you guys, let’s go get the others, come on Trick we’ll get Frank and Gee, Bert do you mind getting Brian and Zack?” Patrick ended the silence.

“Yeah I’ll go get those guys.” Bert replied not having reacted at all to Jeph’s sudden small outburst.

Pete could hardly look Bert in the eye, his face was so red and Patrick grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room quickly. They stopped a few doors before Gerard and Frank’s room.

“Hey...Tink, are you umm okay?” Patrick asked looking concerned at the red faced wide eyed Pete.

“Hmm, yeah I’m fine, yeah...HE HAD NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT.” Pete suddenly shouted causing Patrick to jump out of his skin.

“Calm down Tink, Bert didn’t even react I’m sure he knows Jeph’s just being his usual weird self, don’t worry, really.” Patrick said comfortingly.

“Thanks Trick.” Pete said hugging his best friend.

They walked to Frank and Gerard’s door silently, and it was Pete who decided to knock for the two guys.

“Geraaaard!!!” Pete squealed hugging the taller man around the waist.

“Heyyy Pete” He said grinning returning the force of the smaller man’s hug.

“Hi Patrick!” Gerard added noticing the grin spreading across Patrick’s face.

Once they’d all exchanged hugs, Pete and Patrick entered the mysterious dorm room of Gerard Way and Frank Iero.

Frank was sprawled across his blue bed sheet as the three men entered the room; he flipped over onto his back.

“Yo Pete, Yo Trickster!” He said getting up to receive a tight hug from Pete and a normal person hug from Patrick.

“So what are you two here for then?” Gerard asked, sitting on his bed cross legged whilst Pete grinned at him from ear to ear, quite unnervingly.

“Well Pete and I wanted to know if you guys wanted to join, us along with Bert, Brian and Zack, we’re gona order a pizza and have some beers or something you know.” Patrick said calmly whilst Pete sat buzzing beside him.

“Yeah sure, what about you Frank?” Gerard asked

“Sounds cool to me, lemme just fix my hair and grab my hoody.” He replied, giving Pete an odd look.

They all sat in silence whilst Frank pottered around looking for his hoody, Pete had stopped buzzing and staring at Gerard, but had instead resigned himself to fiddling with the hem of his black t-shirt.

Once Frank was ready the four guys left the room and headed to the common room, where they found Bert, Brian and Zack already seated. Bert was sitting silently texting on his phone whilst Brian and Zack spoke quietly about the upcoming party.

“S’up peeps.” Frank called out to the three guys before doing a forward roll onto a couch, rather like a ninja, and sat cross legged with a cool expression.

“Hey Frank.” They all said in unison.

Then they greeted the others and Pete happily bounced onto a seat just beside Bert.

The guys talked, drank and generally goofed off for hours; it was only when Bert was offended by something Gerard said about Jeph that there seemed to be trouble brewing...

“The guy just does nothing, except get high and sleep around...I’d never get away with going around like that even if I was the single year  older that you guys are.” Gerard said after Bert had mentioned why Jeph wasn’t there when Brian had asked.

“Don’t you bad mouth him like that Gerard! We all know you’re no angel yourself!” Bert retorted.

Slightly deterred Gerard replied, “Yeah well I’ve sorted myself out, and I’ve worked hard to get to where I am now Bert. But then again what do you do around here? Last I hear you’d tried to get off with some guys girl, and she knocked you back did she? Take a look in the mirror McCracken before you go around throwing the past back in my face, cause it’s the past and nothing more but people like you and Jeph are still being nothing more than...Cheap.”

Bert looked stung by this and his face and body radiated anger in waves at Gerard, but it was a surprise arrival that calmed the death like atmosphere.

“Hi guys! No one told me there was a little party going on, I thought that was Saturday!” Phoenix said grinning as she skipped across the room to a now smiling Pete.

“Phoenix babe! How’s it going?” Pete asked beaming at his good friend Phoenix. “No Nathan?”

“Nah, he’s being Mr Dullsville and studying.” She said this with a grimace before breaking into a smile beaming at everyone in the room before pouncing on Gerard and Frank.

“Gee Gee and Frankikins!!!” She squealed at the two young men hugging them tightly.

Phoenix was a widely known character, mostly because of her ever changing hair colour and funny way. At the moment her hair was a luminous shade of pink with strategically places red and purple streaks, only a girl with such a character as hers could have pulled off her look.

Today she wore red skinny jeans and a tight black tank top with the words ‘Cyber Nerd’ scrawled across the front in blood red. Everyone loved in the school loved her, and wherever she went you could hear people saying hi to her and waving at her. Guys wanted her to be theirs (But Nathan was the lucky one that claimed this beauty) and girls wanted to be her, but she was loved nether the less.

“Hey you guys got any pizza left for my lady friend?” Pete asked with an arm across Phoenix’s shoulder and Bert’s arm wrapped around his waist. It was a picture that certainly would appear humorous to an outsider.

“Yeah I think so.” Frank replied before pulling a pizza slice out of the box and handing it to her.

These guys were the few that didn’t just want her for a girlfriend; she was like the little sister none of them were lucky enough to get, and since she had no family here they were her family.

After a few hours more of tomfoolery they decided to call it a night especially since they still had school tomorrow. One by one the guys and girl said their goodbyes and drifted off to their dorm rooms.

Finally it was just Bert, Patrick and Pete left in the now quiet dorm room.

“Hey Trick, would you mind heading back to the dorm room, I’ll catch up ok?” Pete muttered quietly to Patrick.

“Well guys I’m gona head off, I’ll see you in our room, yeah Pete?” Patrick said convincingly.

“Yeah sure, see ya there Trick.” Pete replied pleased at his friend’s loyalty.

Then Patrick was gone, and it was just Bert and Pete left sitting in the dimly lit common room, both sleepy from all the fun.

“That was nice wasn’t it Pete?” Bert asked grinning softly at Pete.

“Yeah, it really was actually...” Pete replied trailing off.

“Pete, is there anything on your mind?” Bert said looking slightly concerned at Pete suddenly less spirited expression and the deep sigh he heaved.

“I- I, need to errm talk to you...” Pete said gulping.

“Ssssh...” Was the reply Pete received before Bert slowly leaned closer to his face, Pete heart was pounding so fast he thought it was about to burst out through his ribs.

Then their lips met, and it was as if time had stopped, it was the electricity between them that shocked Pete into action as he kissed Bert back with all the force he could muster.

Bert was ignoring the voice in his head that told him what he was doing was so wrong it was unbelievable, he just wanted a bit of love and it seemed Pete could be the one that gave him it, he’d always suspected Pete had feeling for him, just from the way Pete’s eyes seemed to light up whenever he was near, and the constant excuses Pete gave to get Bert to spend as much time with him as he could.

Then their lips parted and the air around them almost crackled with the sheer electricity of the moment passed.

“I- I’ll see you tomorrow ok Pete?” Bert said looking at Pete in a way Pete had never seen him do so before, it was almost with fear.

“Yeah...” Was all Pete could manage the next few moments passed in a blur as Pete dreamily made his way back to his dorm room, where he found Patrick sitting silently on his bed, staring at Pete suspiciously.

“What happened?” Patrick asked in a whisper, it was obvious something had gone on from the way Pete’s face blushed, and his eyes sparkled in a way Patrick had never seen before.

“We kissed...” Pete answered, before diving under his duvet and instantly falling asleep, where he met a world of joyful dreams of love and happiness.

But how would they feel in the morning?

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