Jul 28, 2006 10:49
"I wasnt lying to you I just wasnt telling you"
Those words crushed my heart. I cant tell you how angry I was and how sad and confused. I hate him but yet Im still crying at night. I want nothing to do with him, I want him out of my life, I want to move on, but I still answer his calls or tell him how much I am hurt and how much I hate him. I dont give him sympathy and I let the fact that he lost me because of his own faults sink in. But Im the one who seems more broken up about it. What am i going to do? Everything here reminds me of him. Every little street, sign, stop light, lawn...it all reminds me of some fucking waste of my time.Then I cry and my chest gets all tight. I dont know how I am going to move on if everything here reminds me of him and everything makes me cry. I cant get on and over it. The wound yes is only two days old but as time goes on it gets worse. Life sucks right now. I feel lost.
This is what I get for believing I was worth something more.