Oct 17, 2005 18:59
Yep, needed to make a LJ post again. Got such baad vibes. And writing here makes me realise that "what the heck, stop whining ya sissy!". Hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehategoingbackwaaahdon'twannnamommy!
Today, I watched Mulan. It's a movie with many montages. And it's kinda fun, really, although...well. I just get bothered by the fact that the troops Shen...whatshisname (male hero) train seem to change in numbers all the time! First there's a whole battallion, and in the end they have two horses and a handful of men!
I also saw this "Lion King 3" movie. The word "rahastusta" comes to mind, since really it had no actual artistic merit. It played like the kind of spinoffs mayor Disney movies like that get ; realy crappy saturday morning cartoons. Of course, since it was made with the actual original voice-actors, and with actual music, by actually skilled animators, it wasn't such a pain to the eyes or ears. Wasn't a pain at all actually, even got a few chuckles out of it. But it -did- make me realise that...and this may sound gay...the Lion King is actually a kickass movie!
That said.
I also tried to convince my mother Sin City had merits (other than Jessica Alba....mmhmm....Jessica Alba.... *drools* ...ahem), and I think I succeeded in part. Hyuk. At first I was all blank-minded when she told me she had read reviews stating it was just a gory glorification of violence (since...err..it IS kinda violent!), but it didn't take me all that long to start coming up with all kinds of socio-cultural contextes from which the movie could be viewed as a serious work of art.
Oh, and I also realised the other weekend that Robocop is also a Frank Miller creation! (is stupid, yes) Just saw it while we was watching Robocop 2 on the brigade. "Based on a graphic novel by Fank Miller". Ooooooooh. And then I realised it's not just a dumb (if endlessly entertaining) movie about a super-cyborg killer with a fully automatic pistol. Mind, it was YEARS since I last watched a Robocop movie. Despite it being decisively 'action' genre, and made in the 80's, it still contained many of the undercurrents I believe Frank Miller's original work would have. Here's a man, trapped in a metal sarcophagus ; bits of his brain replaced by computer wiring, and bits of his personality replaced with programming. First of all, it's a study of the whole American policeman's motto, "Protect and Serve" ; what if that was put into someone as imperative commandments, rather than moral guidelines? Secondly, it's pondering the question of humanity : is he a robot with bits of living tissue, or a human with a replaced body? He was supposed to be the perfect cop, but how is it really? He's incredibly violent (as befits a Frank Miller story, o'course), and hardly politically correct. What happens if you program him to become a model citizen, passing out moral lectures to kids instead of blowing their brains out when they commit crimes?
All in all...Robocop 2 is an -incredibly- amusing movie, which I suggest you watch with a somber and serious mind, and then continually burst out laughing as you realise the implications of it all. I really want to watch through all of them some evening. Possibly with copious amounts of alcohol. Just to even out the rough edges, y'know.
Aaanyway...next week, we'll be in the forest with the gas-mask on all week, and we'll redo the whole gas-tent thing. I suck at the whole protection fuck, I've made it in time maybe once. And then poorly. Fuck. Maybe I can be sick those days. *mutter* Ah well. Home for the weekend, at least. And then, camp.
And then...ahh..heck. Check this: TJ 81. 45% remains. All downhill from now.
Yeah. :)
EDIT : and just...as I was feeling so sorry for myself...my mother brings me a bowl of icecream with chocolate. ...awwwwwww...*goes all mushy*