Aug 31, 2009 22:02
Today was the day I met my mentor teacher for the first time. And we are sharing a classroom, so we set that up as well. And I also met all the other teachers in 6th grade. AND THEN I CRIED MYSELF TO SLEEP.
Not literally, but ok. So I have this thing where I am terrible at social interactions and I get sweaty-palm-racing-heart-sinking-stomach nervous when entering into a group of strangers or a group of adults or any social situation I'm not comfortable in or don't know the norms for. And I know that the days that suck the most for me in my profession (that of Teacher of Children) are the ones where I have to spend most of the day with adults and figuring out what they want and figuring how I'm supposed to act and figuring out what the heck is going on. And I know that most of the world is doing the same thing, but that doesn't make me feel at all more confident or positive or less nervous.
So today I met everyone that I have to work with for at least the entire school year, if not longer. I'm petrified I'm going to fuck it up with my weird personality and tendency to be overly sarcastic and problems with self control.
But on the plus side, I did buy champagne glasses for my apartment. The essentials!
anxiety sucks,
pretending to be a teacher