Title Insides - Where it all starts
oops_pigDisclaimer We all know that this is not real…
Pairing Seth/Ryan
Rating PG - 13
Word count 98
Author’s note My first attempt at OC fiction. I'm going to be completing the big 100 table, hopefully and all the fics will be connected. Thanks go to my beta
danceboydance for she is the coolest.
Seth Cohen sits in his chequered pyjama pants inside the Cohen’s McMansion, Play station controller in his hand. Ryan Atwood sits beside him in sweatpants and a wife beater. Ryan’s eyes are gunky with sleep and it seems that Seth is beating Ryan hands down. They are both eating Capt’N Crunch out of the box and Seth, as usual, is talking his heart out. They have been in this situation countless times before. This time is slightly different. Seth is talking animatedly because of last night. Ryan is quiet because of last night. Because of what happened outside.